Of course, regular readers of this weblog know that I could not have greeted this good news with greater pride – as my “Related Articles” below will attest.
But let me hasten to disabuse you of any expectation that her belated ascendancy will finally usher in a new era of non-partisan, family-friendly and common-sense politics. For example, Pelosi will now preside over a Democratic-controlled Congress that was elected – above all else – to withdraw American soldiers from Iraq, immediately. However, not only will she and the Democrats be unable to fulfill this promise, but President Bush has already indicated that – instead of withdrawing troops- he intends to “surge” more of them into that infernal war zone, as soon as possible. In fact, except for a modest increase in the minimum wage for poor people, politics in America will be business as usual.
Meanwhile, men still control power in both chambers of Congress – especially the old Democratic donkeys in heat – like Ted Kennedy (MA), Charlie Rangel (NY) and, my favorite, Robert Byrd (VA) – who will chair the committees where all of the action takes place. And, even in terms of gender representation, women only comprise 74 of the 435 members in the House and 16 of the 100 members of the Senate.
Nevertheless, I welcome Pelosi’s election – no matter how symbolic. Indeed, as a black man living in the U.S., I am acutely aware that symbolic steps of this nature are downplayed only by Americans who – by accident of birth – just happen to be WASP men….
Congratulations Madam Speaker!
NOTE: On Tuesday, Christian jihadist Pat Robertson upstaged my 2007 predictions with his claim that God told him that Muslim jihadists will kill millions of Americans later this year. But click here to read my expose on the truth behind the gospel according to Pat.
Related Articles:
Germany’s first female chancellor
Africa’s first female president
South America’s first female president
Jamaica’s first female prime minister
Nancy Pelosi
Barbara Hall says
I enjoyed reading this article about Madam Speaker. It marks a new beginning for women to contribute to the world and this Madam Speaker will empower women to walk along with noble men of the world. I personally feel it was the plan of our creator when he said “it was not good for man to be alone and he created a help-mate (woman). I would like to Congratulate Oprah Winfrey, another great woman for her timely contribution to the education of young women in South Africa (opening of her Dream School).
All the Best in 2007!
Your Sis.
Dr. B.H.
ALH ipinions says
I appreciate your comment Barbara. And I share your regard for Oprah’s new school. In fact, I intend to address her critics in a commentary, perhaps, on Monday.