Clearly this is good news – if only for the psychological shot in the arm it gives all Iraqis who have been suffering under Zarqawi’s reign of terror for the past three years. But the bad news is that this inoculation offers them (and their putative American liberators) no protection from physical harm whatsoever!
Indeed, as early as six months ago, I had already become so fed-up with jingoistic cheerleading and backslapping by government officials – after news that American forces had killed yet another assistant to a top associate of Osama bin Laden – that I wrote this article deriding their (groundhog) irrational exuberance. Because I knew back then what is so self-evident today, which is that cutting one head off the one-thousand-headed monster that al-Qaeda has become will have little or no impact on the infernal insurgency and sectarian violence still raging in Iraq.
But here are some final thoughts on the celebrated capture or killing of “high-profile targets of interest” like Zarqawi, Saddam Hussein and his sons Uday and Qusay:
The Americans offered a reward of $25m for “actionable” information on Zarqawi, and similar amounts in the case of the Husseins. And President Bush seemed all too eager to tell the world that Iraqis provided such information in each case.
Yet how do we know if any of that money was ever paid out? Can we take Bush’s word: a president who signs into law a bill forbidding the torture of foreign detainees, then immediately signs a secret executive order instructing the U.S. military to use “all means necessary” to extract “actionable intelligence” from them? And if you’re the Iraqi who “turned” on these guys, to whom are you going to complain if the Americans stiff you? On the other hand, if they paid you this bounty, you probably wouldn’t want any of your neighbors finding out about it (which means you’d have to rely on the Americans to scurry you and your family into a squealers-protection program…in exile).
Now, how’s that for a catch 22….
But following this reward-money trail through U.S. high command into an Iraqi hand would be a good assignment for some of the many journalists now reporting speculation about what’s going on in Iraq from their embedded hotel perch in the “Green Zone”.
NOTE: If you’re a first-time reader, you can be forgiven the impression that I’m an inveterate pessimist. But regular readers are well aware that – far from being a pessimist, I have consistently offered sober assessments of and pragmatic solutions to the challenges of rebuilding Iraq, an example of which can be read here.
ENDNOTE: Click here to read my syndicated column – published today at CNN – on the remarkable leadership the prime minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines showed by dismissing local criticism and defying the Chinese to honor his country’s longstanding friendship with Taiwan.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaeda in Iraq, Islamic insurgency
jennifer says
Hooray! That’s for getting Zakarwi and getting through to comments.
Hi Anthony,
I’m really persistent. I tried all yesterday to post but no luck. I understand though.
I see your point about the bad news part of taking out that monster but I come from a military family and when think it’s all good!!!
VincyinTaiwan says
This is about the commentary on Dr. Gonsalves decision to visit Taiwan. I agree with you 100%, I had the same thoughts after reading that article yesterday. The opposition is out of tune in terms of how we should conduct our foreign policy. Our Prime Minister has the vision, intelligence, and determination needed to take SVG and the Caribbean forward. I remember when he made a trip to Libya some years ago, the opposition was “concerned” about the repercussions from the US since Libya was listed as a state sponsor of terrorism. Now that Libya is off the list of state sponsors of terror, the critics are silent. I guess all they can do is oppose.
phil says
I’ve been fed-up with this kind of news about another assistant to the assistant of bin Laden being captured for almost as long as you have. But I agree with Rep Murtha that the situation in Iraq is completetly hopeless. We need to cut our losses and get the hell outta dodge man!!!