Yesterday, President Bush completed his “How Ya Like Me Now?” tour of Europe. From Brussels to Bratislava, he lectured Europeans on the universal values of freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights. And, in each case, he cited the liberation of Iraq as vindication of his uncompromising foreign policy.
Indeed, Bush’s message was especially poignant, if not degaulling, in Paris – where President Chirac must have felt like an unruly child being chastised by his Daddy.

Think of Bush whatever you will, but it took Texas-size cojones to gallop into that political lion’s den and emerge with both still in tact. Because for almost 3 years now, the Europeans have belittled, gnashed at, and undermined him at every turn.
Indeed, it seemed as if many of their heads of state were adjunct advisers to the John Kerry Campaign during last year’s presidential election. Yet, Bush went, confronted their carping, and laid bare their idle pretensions.
Anti-Bush Europeans and Al Qaeda terrorists saw the invasion of Iraq as an opportunity to exorcise their envy of American prowess and disdain for Bush’s firmness on spreading democracy all over the world. But their insurgent hopes for Bush’s demise have now been dashed by millions of Iraqis (including old chador-wearing women) who risked their lives to heed his call for democracy in Iraq. Now, in classic if you can’t be them join them fashion, the Europeans have pledged grudging support for Bush’s crusade – leaving the Al Qaeda terrorists to their suicidal fate.
George W. Bush is a far from perfect leader. And, he himself readily admits that he leads a far from perfect nation. Indeed, Winston Churchill might have said that America has its faults but no country on earth has fewer of them. As for its leader, who amongst us would not say that: If I were an Iraqi or Afghan, I would thank God for President Bush. And that if I were an Arab – living anywhere in the Middle East – I would thank God for Bush’s promise to bring peace and democracy to my country. Would that the same could be said of any other leader – especially he who waxes quixotic about Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite!
As a liberal Westerner, I fear this crusading Bush is just repeating the mistakes Christian crusaders have made throughout history. But only time will tell.
News and Politics
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