The most sensational parts of the book deal with McClellan’s searing, even if self-serving, condemnation of the war in Iraq. Because, after selling it for years with the zealotry of a born-again Christian, he now claims that the invasion of Iraq was a “serious strategic blunder,” and that Bush relied on an aggressive “political propaganda campaign instead of the truth to sell the Iraq war.”
In addition, McClellan reveals that, with the invasion of Iraq:
Bush saw his opportunity to create a legacy of greatness…. The president’s real motivation for the war was to transform the Middle East to ensure an enduring peace in the region.
Specifically, here’s what I wrote in April 2007 about one of the neo-cons who McClellan accuses of ill-serving the president in this respect:
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense [Paul Wolfowitz] was the principal architect of the “domino” plan to democratize the Middle East that misled American soldiers into the current mess in Iraq.
President Bush conflated retribution for 9/11 with his ill-fated crusade to democratize the Middle East, and then launched a preemptive war against Iraq.
But in October 2005, on the eve of the indictment of Cheney’s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, for his role in the Plame affair, here’s what I wrote should become of Cheney for conducting this White House “weapons of mass deception” program:
If he is favored by the gods, someone he genuinely respects (like his wife Laura) will do for President Bush what Nancy Reagan did for her husband President Ronald Reagan when his presidency was in similar crisis: advise him to get rid of the ring leader of this White House cabal, namely, Vice President Dick Cheney – who, after all, will be an un-indicted co-conspirator if Libby is indicted. The country deserves this act of enlightened courage and Bush’s legacy demands it.
Meanwhile, on behalf of the dead-enders at the White House, McClellan’s successor as press secretary, Dana Perino, offered this pithy party-line response:
Scott, we now know, is disgruntled about his experience at the White House. We are puzzled. It is sad. This is not the Scott we knew.
Therefore, my only criticism of McClellan is the same one I made of former Secretary of State Colin Powell after he wrote a similar confessional memoir, namely: if he had such grave misgivings about the administration’s conspiracy to wage an unlawful war, he should have resigned and voiced his concerns in a more timely and public-spirited manner.
Beyond that I say take the money and run Scott! But spare us the sanctimonious claptrap about hoping to change the culture of politics in Washington.…
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Those who would use the word “Patriot” in the Name of a document and law to take away the rights of Americans should be in prision for life. As its the Plan to inprision Americans…McClellan Is a True Patriot, and my personal hero! Those who would use the word “Patriot” in the Name of a document and law to take away the rights of Americans should be in prision for life. As its the Plan to inprision Americans…