But, in a conversion worthy of Saul of Tarsus, Bush dispatched his Vice President, Dick Cheney, to Putin’s doorstep in Vilnius, Lithuania yesterday to deliver the following message confirming his loss of faith in Putin’s spirit:
Russia has a choice to make. And there is no question that a return to democratic reform in Russia will generate future success for its people and greater respect among fellow nations….In many areas of civil society – from religion and the news media to advocacy groups and political parties – the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of her people…no legitimate interest is served when oil and gas become tools of intimidation or blackmail…and no one can justify actions that undermine the territorial integrity of a neighbor or interfere with democratic movements.
Loss of faith? Them is fighting words comrade!
Of course, if Bush had only browsed my series of articles over the past year on Putin’s unabashed retreat from democratic reforms in Russia, he would have discovered here, how Putin:
Arrested the owner of Yukos Oil (think Chairman of ExxonMobil who just retired with a golden parachute of over $400 million) on dubious charges of tax evasion, and then seized the company’s assets because he deemed it in the interest of the Russian state.
Censored the press – which flourished under his predecessor, Boris Yelstin.
Abolished the election of all Russian governors and decreed that, henceforth, they shall be appointed by him instead. (Not exactly the Night of Long Knives but just as effective.)
Interfered in the domestic affairs of former Soviet republics – including his well publicized attempts to undermine democratic revolutions in Georgia and the Ukraine; and
Reclaimed the Stalinesque power to dissolve the Russian legislature by fiat.
All of this Putin did just last year in what I termed the Putinization of Russia (i.e., reforming the country in his own image and in a manner that would have made Joseph Stalin proud).
However, Bush would also have discovered here, how Putin:
Aided and abetted Iran’s nuclear program and sold sophisticated arms to rogue leaders like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, despite America’s protestations.
Or here, how Putin:
Countered his (Bush’s) doctrine of fomenting democracies in America’s image by promulgating his own doctrine of democratic relativism and fomenting democracies around the world in Russia’s (more-totalitarian) image.
Or here, how Putin:
Ignored corruption by people in his inner circle who were, indeed are, profiting under the color of the state, just as the (“Jewish”) oligarchs – for whom he has expressed such political contempt – did under Yelstin.
Or here, how Putin:
Launched the first salvo in a new Cold War with the West just months ago by cutting Russia’s supply of natural gas to newly democratic Ukraine for refusing to recognise his extraterritorial (superpower) prerogatives – over all of the former socialist states of the Soviet Union.
There’s more, but I think you get the point.
So, here’s to your belated conversion Mr. Bush. And, trust me, Putin will suffer no love lost after hearing of your loss of kindred spirit with him….
Game on!
NOTE: Ironically, just as the world needs the UN most – as a credible cooling-off chamber for heated rhetoric between potentially-warring states (like Russia vs. the U.S. or the U.S. vs. Iran), this organization is now as discredited as some Thirld World dictatorships. Click here for my CNN article – published today – which explains why….
Dick Cheney, Vladimir Putin, United States, Russia
James says
Boy this bring back pretty bad memories. I would hate to see the US and Russia take us to the bad old days of the cold war.
Anonymous says
i think this is just a ploy to take people’s minds off bush’s problems in america. in political trouble, pick a fight.
kim says
Hi Anthony
My girlfriend told me about your blog a few weeks ago. It’s truly amazing. I’m hooked because we are bombarded with sound bites about so many important issuses. But every post I read gives me lots of information and makes me feel really smart when I speak with other people. Thanks!!!
Tim says
This is just another example of how pathetic Bush is. Can anyone point to a single thing he’s done that has been good for this country? He’s a war criminal and he and Cheney should be impeached!
Mary says
I could not agree more Tim!!! What more will it take????