Britt’s opening act about sex trafficking Republican Sen. Katie Britt gained infamy on Thursday with her State of the Union rebuttal. Her faux outrage—over a child trafficking story that was riddled with lies—was bad enough. But her melodramatic, overblown delivery was more akin to a teaser for an upcoming SNL skit. True to form, SNL obliged with its usual… Read more.
Just Vote Democrat, Girlfriend. He’ll Never Know.
Senator Britt’s Kitchen Rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU Address: A Tongue-Lashing by a Stepford Wife
A Stepford setting fit for the GOP Senator Katie Britt staged her rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) address from her kitchen. No doubt, she thought this was divinely inspired—a perfect setting to serve up GOP platitudes about kitchen-table issues. And oh, what a kitchen it was! Except that the perfect blend of beige… Read more.
MAGA Judge Rules Minority Business Development Agency Must Serve Whites Too
Minority business programs must benefit Whites Yesterday, a federal judge ordered the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) to serve (majority) White businesses too. Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell had such orders in mind when he conspired with former President Donald Trump to pack the federal judiciary. They recruited young White men. The primary qualification? Their blind faith in MAGA propaganda and conspiracies. Indeed,… Read more.
Trump Blackwashing with Gilded Sneakers, Mug Shot, and Fake Friends
Trump is unapologetically racist The more Donald Trump humiliates White men like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, the more loyalty they show him. This political phenomenon is as vexing as it is perplexing. Yet, polls show that the more Trump hurls racist insults, the more appealing Blacks find him. Forget vexing and perplexing. That reeks of Orwellian doublespeak. After all, Trump is arguably… Read more.
The Supreme Court Might Help Trump Win. But He’ll Never Set Foot in the White House Again
Trump seems fated to win I get it. Donald Trump, the twice-impeached and four-times indicted insurrectionist, is also a well-documented serial liar and sexual predator. In stark contrast, despite Trump’s attempts to smear him with dishonesty and grift, Joe Biden is hailed for his honesty and integrity. Furthermore, he’s arguably the most successful first-term president in US history. Yet, in a foreboding… Read more.
Sen. McConnell to Retire as Minority Leader: Good Riddance, Mitch.
McConnell, the Grim Reaper Mitch McConnell (82), the longest-serving Senate leader in history, shocked Washington on Wednesday. He announced he plans to retire as minority leader in November. His decision punctuates a powerful ideological transition underway in the Republican Party, from Ronald Reagan’s brand of traditional conservatism and strong international alliances, to the fiery, often isolationist populism of… Read more.
Supreme Court Decides to Hear Trump Immunity Claim, Giving Him De Facto Immunity
Presidential immunity? The Appeals Court said, hell no Donald Trump’s autocratic and notorious claim is that a president enjoys “absolute immunity” for every presidential action. He stretches this to the absurd, suggesting immunity would even shield a president ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate political rivals. This outrageous notion was what the US Court of Appeals for… Read more.
Justice Thomas Hired Racist Clerk Because He Hates Black People Too
Thomas: an embarrassment to the Court and his race Let’s face it: Only pathological self-loathing explains this: Justice Clarence Thomas recently hired a law clerk who was previously accused of sending racist text messages. … In late 2017, a New Yorker story reported that Ms. [Crystal] Clanton, who had served for five years as the national field… Read more.
Letitia James Slays Trump and the NRA. But Whither Fani Willis
In case you haven’t noticed, New York State Attorney General Letitia James has been kicking ass and taking names. And she’s not targeting the usual suspects on the streets. Because she’s going after the presumed untouchables in the C-suites too. Tish humbles Trump and LaPierre It was another day of eye-popping courtroom victories for New York State… Read more.