KKK imagery The top of the Washington Monument looks like the hood of a Ku Klux Klansman. This was thrown into stark relief last week. The media were covering workers repelling down the Monument. They were inspecting the damage caused by the recent earthquake. Most people seemed mesmerized by the workers’ Cirque-du-Soleil acrobatics. But I… Read more.
UPDATE: Blagojevich Guilty … on 17 Counts!
It speaks volumes about the brazen, pathological and pervasive nature of the ‘corruption crime spree’ alleged against Illinois’s sitting governor, Rod Blagojevich, that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald felt moved to describe it as ‘staggering’. In fact, in presenting the Justice Department’s 76-page complaint, Fitzgerald claimed that, because a clearly delusional and venal Governor Blagojevich was… Read more.
Prince George’s Executive Jack Johnson and Wife Arrested – While Flushing $100k and His Career Down the Toilet
Jack B. Johnson is the chief executive for Prince George’s County, Maryland. He was as influential there as former Mayor Marion Barry was in Washington, DC. That is, until the FBI caught him and his wife flushing $100k down the toilet 11 days ago. Prince George’s executive Jack Johnson and wife arrested Prince George’s is… Read more.
The Real Drug War: Crack vs. Powder Cocaine
A tale of two drugs For over 25 years, many politicians, including the late Senator Ted Kennedy, fought to redress the imbalance between federally mandated sentences for possession of crack cocaine and the powder form of the drug. For example, a person convicted of possessing five grams of crack cocaine got the same mandatory sentence… Read more.
Barack Obama clinches historic Democratic presidential nomination!
Nothing would make me prouder than to see a black man at the top of the Democratic presidential ticket in 2008. [It’s TIME: Run Obama Run! The iPINIONS Journal, 24 October 2006] In a feat that is tantamount to David defeating two tag-teaming Goliaths, Barack Obama (D-ILL) has now defeated Hillary (and Bill) Clinton to… Read more.
Marion Barry Is Back on Crack: Former DC Mayor Relapses
Marion Barry is back on crack Marion Barry violated the terms of his probation by testing positive for cocaine. But nobody should be surprised. Because Barry was just doing what junkies do. I expressed utter contempt when he began posturing as a “born-again” politician. And I was dismayed that so many people, especially Blacks, thought… Read more.
Martin Luther King Jr Was a Womanizer. So What!
Taylor Branch is the critically acclaimed biographer of Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK). At Canaan’s Edge is the third volume of his MLK trilogy. But it’s generating hype for portraying MLK as a womanizer more than a civil rights leader. Jon Meacham is Newsweek’s eminent historian. On Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press, he recommended… Read more.
USA Today Caught Doctoring Photo of Condoleezza Rice – to Demonize Her
USA Today published a doctored photo of Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It blackened her face and whitened her eyes. The explicit aim was to demonize rather than flatter her. That’s why it’s facing so much backlash. USA Today doctoring Dr. Rice TIME magazine published a doctored photo of O.J. Simpson to a similar effect. It wanted to portray… Read more.
Teachers Having Sex with Students Is Now Trending as Tutoring
The arrest of female teachers is becoming a trend. That’s because those teachers are offering sex to students as after-school tutoring. And no student in their right mind can refuse. Besides, it’s better to have teachers f*cking students than students fighting teachers. Teacher Sandra Beth Geisel having sex with her students English teacher Sandra Beth Geisel joined this rouges’… Read more.