It’s a sad commentary on the state of world affairs that the diplomatic initiatives of a rock star or Hollywood actress are taken more seriously than those of a seasoned statesman. But that is the perverse reality…. Alas, worshiping celebrities is not merely the avocation of giddy teenage girls; because world leaders seem equally enthralled… Read more.
US presidential election
Beware Barack, don’t believe the hype!
Watching the way world leaders greeted Barack Obama on his world tour last week, one could be forgiven the impression that he was already president of the United States. There’s no denying that the political atmospherics of his tour, which had leaders in the Middle East treating Obama like a president and people in Berlin… Read more.
World leaders hail Obama as presumptive president! Meanwhile, back home Bush and McCain struggle to seem relevant
After regaling leaders in the Middle East with his presidential bearing and command of the complex issues that beset this region, Barack Obama flew to Germany today where he’s scheduled to give a speech on US-EU relations that Germans are anticipating as if it were a free concert by the Rolling Stones. He will follow… Read more.
Obama takes historic presidential campaign to the Middle East and Europe
Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has taken a detour from his US presidential campaign trail this week to go on a “fact-finding and listening” tour of Europe and the Middle East. But John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, is leading a chorus of pundits criticizing Obama’s trip as variously long-overdue, misguided and inappropriate. They say… Read more.