James Hewitt is Princess Diana’s former lover. But he’s defiling her reputation by insinuating that she was an adulteress who bore his child. And his only motive seems to be the money tabloids are willing to give him to peddle this insinuation. I hasten to clarify, though, that I’m no fan of royalty. My blog… Read more.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Germany will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall this weekend. Every country in the West should be celebrating too. Fall of the Berlin Wall Of course, the fall of the Berlin Wall (on November 9, 1989) led to the reunification of Germany. But it also led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the… Read more.
Europeans Appeasing Putin Is Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish
The title of this post says it all. What’s more, I’ve denounced this European appeasement in numerous commentaries. But I summarized my denunciation and presaged what this appeasement portends in “Checkmated on Crimea, Obama Plays for Rest of Ukraine” on March 7, 2014. Europeans appeasing Putin Now comes another case of European appeasement. Germany is refusing to join… Read more.
I Apologize to Prince Albert (and his wife) … Reservedly
The Times of London is to the United Kingdom what the New York Times is to the United States: the de facto national newspaper of record. Therefore, when the Sunday edition of the Times of London published a lengthy article – salaciously headlined “The Full Filthy Monte” – on the antics of Prince Albert’s reluctant… Read more.
Monaco’s Prince Albert Captures His Runaway Bride
Regular readers know that I’ve been unsparing in my criticism of Prince Albert II of Monaco – not only for living a notoriously promiscuous lifestyle, but also for fathering children (2 that we know of) out of wedlock. He incited my most indignant ire when he renounced the birthright of his black son in favor… Read more.
Austria in shock…and denial: right-wing leader Haider was gay!
Supporters of the right-wing political party, the Alliance for Austria’s Future, are struggling today to come to terms with the public confession of their new leader, Stephan Petzner (right), about the intimate relationship he had with his predecessor and party founder, Joerg Haider (left), who was killed recently in a car crash. Incidentally, if you’ve never… Read more.
Switzerland’s Immigration Laws Are Racist and Unjust
Immigration laws: Europe’s new heart of darkness Last week, The Independent dropped a bombshell report on Switzerland’s new immigration laws, exposing their blatant racism and injustice. Reporter Paul Vallely even wondered if Switzerland had become “Europe’s heart of darkness.” Whatever the case, neo-fascism is trending in Switzerland — with politicians competing in a race to the bottom of intolerance. Hell, even during… Read more.
UPDATE: The Putinization of Russia extends to Georgia…
For years, I’ve warned about the Putinization of Russia — a calculated campaign by Vladimir Putin to dismantle the democratic reforms championed by his predecessors. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll recognize this as the work of a neo-Stalinist president bent on reversing the strides made by Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Gorbachev, in a… Read more.
Masako Owada, Japan’s Princess Di, a Royal Disappointment
Royalty Royalty is an absurd anachronism. It’s an ostentatious affront to the universal declaration that all people are created equal. Yet millions of people remain loyal to this imperial vestige of national governance. Mind you, many royals seem incapable of conforming their behavior to the standards of common decency, to say nothing of royal etiquette. But their behavior… Read more.
Prince Albert Denies Birthright of His Black Son!
Two months ago, I published a commentary condemning Prince Albert II of Monaco. I blasted him for refusing even to acknowledge the child he fathered with his Black mistress. Albert acknowledges Black son Well, his mistress has finally forced Albert to reveal his dark secret. Lo and behold, he is the father. Monaco should be celebrating. Albert’s acknowledgment should signal, at… Read more.