Russia is threatening to end nuclear arms control. But its president, Vladimir Putin, has become the boy who cried wolf. So many political analysts are dismissing this as just another idle threat. I disagree. Nuclear arms control Putin is establishing a pretext to honor Russia’s quid pro quo with Iran. Because I suspect Russia struck… Read more.
Is Putin Recruiting Edward Snowden as a Patriotic Poster Boy for Ukraine?
Is Putin Recruiting Edward Snowden Edward Snowden petitioned President Putin for over ten years to grant him Russian citizenship. Putin suddenly approved his petition. Only one thing explains him doing so. He wants to use Snowden as his poster boy to mobilize more Russians as cannon fodder in Ukraine. After all, Putin could point to this American’s… Read more.
Trump Is Putin’s ‘Useful Idiot’ and He Keeps Showing Why
There’s no denying that Russian President Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign to help Donald Trump. Only that explains why Trump keeps acting like Putin’s useful idiot. And yes, Trump is really that stupid and transparent. Trump is Putin’s useful idiot Of course, Putin keeps playing the coy mastermind who pulled off that electoral feat. He started mere days… Read more.
‘Putin Jokes About Ruling Until He’s 120′
Putin to rule for life Last week, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi chose an ominous way to bond. During a joint press conference in Moscow, Berlusconi announced funding for research that will extend life expectancy to 120. Putin quipped: So we will be prime ministers [or president in Putin’s case] until at least the age of… Read more.
Russia calls US (and EU) bluff by declaring Georgian territories independent
Yesterday, as most people in America (and around the world) were fixated on the political drama surrounding Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was delivering a speech that portends far more dire consequences. Because Medvedev launched the most devastating salvos to date in the new Cold War brewing between Russia and the United States (and Europe) by unilaterally… Read more.
UPDATE: Russia invades Georgia under cover of Beijing Olympics
I fear EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana going on a mission now to talk peace with Putin (and his puppet Russian President Demitry Medvedev) is rather like British PM Neville Chamberlain going on a mission in 1938 to talk peace with Adolf Hitler. Because, as I have documented in a series of articles over… Read more.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet Union’s most-celebrated dissident, is dead
During a dinner conversation with professional colleagues last night, I asked what they thought about Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who died on Sunday at the age of 89. But when one of them responded reflexively by asking “Who was he?“, I simply could not disguise my stupefaction. And it did not enlighten the conversation when another of them tried to excuse this colleague’s ignorance… Read more.