This episode was originally published on November 7, 2020. For more of my podcast episodes, visit Talking iPINIONS Podcast Listen.
Trans Women Banned from Competing against Biological Women
For more of my podcast episodes, visit Talking iPINIONS Podcast Listen.
Fox News Settles with Dominion. The First Chicken Has Come Home to Roost
Fox News has made billions peddling lies and conspiracies. In doing so, it has done more to sow discord among Americans and undermine American democracy than enemies like Russia and China. Fox may never face justice. But, thanks to Dominion, it’s finally paying a price. For more of my podcast episodes, visit Talking iPINIONS… Listen.
My Good Friday Podcast
Good Friday If Easter rituals bore you to distraction, you’re not alone. It’s purportedly the holiest holiday season for Christians. And Good Friday is the holiest day. But, since childhood, I always regarded it above all as the first beach holiday of the year. This sermon is in that decidedly secular spirit. NOTE: This recording… Listen.
Democracies vs. Autocracies. But Democracies are Destroying Themselves
Podcast Episode 114 Democracies vs. Autocracies Even eminent historians warn that America is blustering its way toward another civil war. But this one is bound to be more like a circular firing squad. And it will feature neighbor fighting neighbor and brother fighting brother – under the same roof. Embed from Getty ImagesIt’s all because Trump’s autocratic… Listen.
Sergey Lavrov Falls from Grace – Western Countries Now Treat Him Like a Skunk
Western countries reacted to Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine by imposing sanctions. This saw over 1000 Western companies pledge to leave. Never mind that, to date, less than 10% of them have. Sergei Lavrov unwelcome in the West But many Western countries also banned Russian musicians, ballet dancers, and films. So sanctions are hurting Russians living outside the country… Listen.
The Oscars – Hugh Grant and Angela Basset Starred but Lost
To be fair, the ratings were not as bad as I expected. But that’s only because everyone tuned in to hear host Jimmy Kimmel’s jokes about that slap. And suspended animation prevailed as most viewers waited with bated breath for them. I waited with bated breath only for winners in the acting categories to be… Listen.
George W. Bush Is Emulating Jimmy Carter. Who Knew…
Harry and Meghan Get the ‘South Park’ Treatment
Ukraine One Year Later…
For more of my podcast episodes, visit Talking iPINIONS Podcast Listen.