Episode 18: Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad but Beware… Listen.
Podcast: End Indentured Servitude. Pay College Athletes.
Episode 17: Think of Football Fields as Glorified Sweatshops Listen.
Podcast: MAGA Madness – Trump Incites Insurrection at US Capitol
Episode 16: Trump Seals Legacy More Befitting Traitor to Than President of USA… Listen.
Podcast: Men Should Be Barred from Politics
Episode 15: Given the Mess Men Have Made of Things, Women Can Hardly Do Worse Listen.
Podcast: Hamilton Crowned King of F1. So Why Kneel for a Knighthood?
Episode 14: Lewis Hamilton, F1 Racing’s Tiger Woods and Colin Kaepernick Listen.
Podcast: My American Friends Doing ‘God’s Work’ with Malawi Talent Fund
Episode 13: Even with Bread Lines at Home, American Charity Continues Abroad… Listen.
Podcast: Maduro Outlasting Trump Like Assad Outlasted Trump. (‘Black-Swan’ Song for Trump)
Episode 12: Obama and Trump Bungled Venezuela and Syria, Respectively. Lame Duck Trump. Listen.
Podcast: Female Teachers Behaving like Pedophile Priests
Episode 11: And We Thought Only Men Were Sexual Abusers Listen.
Podcast: African Migrants Imposing Reverse Colonialism on Europeans…
Episode 10: Africans Dying to Become Europeans Listen.
Podcast: Benedict and Francis: Two Popes in a Pickle
Episode 9: The Co-Habitation Scandal Rivaling the Child Sex-Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church Listen.