President Trump delivering the sermon at a national prayer breakfast is like the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan delivering the keynote address at the NAACP convention. Yet, DC politicians dutifully assembled on Thursday to hear his MAGA sermon. But MAGA evangelicals listening to Trump’s blasphemous, self-worshipping drivel had to feel trapped in a… Read more.
Holy Hunger: Force-Feeding Religion as Education
My Good Friday Sermon 2024
Good Friday: My childhood rituals I grew up the son of an evangelical preacher man. However, the Holy Spirit was no match for my Adamic nature. That’s why I found so many things dispiriting about my childhood. Most dispiriting was having to listen to the same sermon over and over again. Not least because I knew full well that… Read more.
Now Nuns Are Raping Girls? Catholics Cannot Believe God Exists
Catholic nuns are predators, too? Anyone who attended Catholic grade school can testify to witnessing nuns display spasms of demonic violence. Witnessing that informed the cynicism I vented earlier this year (on February 26) in “More Catholic Depravity: Nuns Pimping Orphans to Priests.” But if nuns could serve as madams for pedophile priests, it’s hardly… Read more.