Faustian bargain coming home to roost for US firms In the chess game of global politics, China just flipped the board. Beijing slapped sanctions on 28 US companies, including defense giants Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. Framed as safeguarding national security, the move underscores China’s growing confidence. It believes America now needs its economy as… Read more.
Banning Chinese TikTok Is as Critical as Banning Fentanyl
TikTok, the digital fentanyl In this age of social media, digital warfare is becoming as consequential as land warfare. This reality is underscored by a bill now barreling through Congress. Should it pass, it would compel the Chinese owners of TikTok to sell it to a buyer with no links to China or face an outright ban. Members… Read more.
FBI Director Warns China’s Hacking Poses Existential Threat
The Chinese Dragon as cyber virus On Wednesday, when FBI Director Chris Wray began his congressional testimony, everyone expected to hear boilerplate law-enforcement concerns. Instead, Wray issued warnings about Chinese espionage and digital warfare that shocked the world. ‘China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and… Read more.
Biden in High-Stakes Meeting with Xi at APEC Summit
Biden and Xi’s high-stakes agenda The relationship between the United States and China is reportedly at a 40-year low. And China is primarily responsible. China complains that the US is trying to contain its manifest destiny to become the richest and most powerful nation in history. It also accuses the US of imposing punitive tariffs on Chinese… Read more.
China Forces Apple to Cancel Jon Stewart
Apple doing China’s bidding ‘The Problem with Jon Stewart’ will not come back to Apple TV+ for a third season, bringing a surprise and sudden end to the increasingly popular show led by the former Daily Show host. … He told staff that the company had concerns about the subject matter Stewart planned for three… Read more.
North Korea Is Meeting Russia to Supply Weapons from China
North Korea supplying Russia Chinese weapons The X factor in the war in Ukraine is whether China will end up supplying weapons to Russia the way the US is supplying them to Ukraine. I submit that China will not. But it faces an abiding dilemma: China has a geostrategic interest in seeing Russia prevail. But it fears doing… Read more.
Opioids like Fentanyl Have Nothing on Social Media like TikTok
We’re doomed... Read more.
The ‘Ugly American’ Is Being Upstaged by the ‘Uglier Chinese’ Tourist
The ugly American I hail from The Bahamas. So, I have standing to comment on tourist stereotypes. After all, every Bahamian has experienced the “ugly American.” We know firsthand their habits, idiosyncrasies, and bad behavior. Yet, a report published by CNN today is turning that stereotype on its head. The headline alone speaks volumes: ‘Everybody loves Americans’: Why US… Read more.
Chinese Fighter Jet Intercepts US Spy Plane with ‘Unnecessarily Aggressive’ Maneuver
Chinese fighter jet intercepts US spy plane On Friday, a Chinese fighter jet intercepted a US spy plane over the South China Sea. The US is complaining that it did so in an “unnecessarily aggressive” manner. And it published a video of this intercept to prove its point. That video has gone viral. No doubt,… Read more.
China Cracks Down on Capvison for Spying – It’s a Dog-Bites-Man Story
The government is cracking down on companies spying in China. But this is like the government cracking down on citizens cheating on taxes in America. It’s what the government does, respectively. That’s why China cracking down on Capvision is more hypocritical than surprising. China cracks down on Capvision Chinese authorities have conducted raids on the… Read more.