Quit smoking? Caramba!
For decades, Fidel Castro boasted that his Communist government provided Cubans the best health care in the entire world. But his claim only ever amounted to ash because per capita smoking in Cuba has always been worse than in any other country.
Now, however, Castro has decreed that, henceforth, there shall be no more smoking in Cuba!
With a convert’s zeal, Cuban leader Fidel Castro began anti-smoking campaigns after he kicked his iconic cigar habit in 1986. Now he is joining countries such as Ireland and Bhutan in restricting the habit. Public transport, shops, offices and restaurants will be largely off-limits to smokers.
(The New Scientist, January 26, 2005)
Nine (9) successive US Presidents have attempted to undermine Castro’s leadership – to no avail. This decree, however, may finally be his Achilles heel. Because this country of cigar addicts will probably revolt before kicking their national habit.
What did Karl Marx say about a nation carrying the seeds of its own destruction?
Well, this stogie’s for you Fidel! Or is that, go ahead, Fidel, make my day:
Seriously, though, I commend Castro for issuing this enlightened decree. Hell, even his arch enemies must bear grudging respect not only for his wily longevity but also for the will power he showed to quit cigars, and then famously quip that
The best thing to do is give them to your enemy.
Sure enough, Cubans have done even better. Then have been selling them to useful enemies for decades.
News and Politics
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