The Thin White Duke’s catalog drew 51 million views on Vevo on Jan. 11, a new one-day high-mark for any artist on the streaming music platform…
Bowie breaks the previous same-day record, which was held by Adele whose catalog generated 36 million views on Oct. 23, 2015, the day “Hello” premiered.
Bowie’s last album, Blackstar, was released Jan. 8 and is on track to become the singer’s first recording to top the Billboard 200. It’s also expected to bow at No. 1 on the Official U.K. Albums Chart.
(Billboard, January 14, 2016)
At least Michael’s fans gave him Thriller during his lifetime.
Don’t get me started on his self-professed fans taking to social media to share how much his music meant to them. After all, if just a fraction of them had actually purchased his music, Bowie’s last hit single would not have been “Let’s Dance” … over 30 years ago. Mind you, he probably couldn’t have cared any less.
Ironically, apropos of hits, that is bound to change with the timely release, just two days before he died, of Blackstar, his requiem/farewell album. It’s trending; therefore, millions of social-media twits must have it.
(“David Bowie, Gender-Bending Performing Artist,” The iPINIONS Journal, January 12, 2016)
More to the point, if you think Bowie is reveling in his grave over this, think again. Because he’s probably rolling over in disgust at this peddling of his music as a necrophiliac phenomenon. And when he’s not doing that, he’s probably just giving all of you posthumous lovers the finger – as was his wont.
So, if you’re among the millions of rubbernecking death hags buying his music for the first time, get over yourself!
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Bowie … dead…