Once again, like Pavlovian dogs, practically every news program in the United States reported yesterday on the latest message from the new leader of al-Qaeda as if it were a message from the president of the United States.
But, besides scaremongering to generate ratings, can you think of any reason why they played video clips of America’s enemy number one ordering lone wolves to do, wherever they are, what those two misguided nincompoops did in Boston (at the marathon) earlier this year? In other words, why, pray tell, are the media serving as carrier pigeons for al-Qaeda to make sure its foot soldiers get their marching orders…?
Which compels me to suggest that only after al-Qaeda begins targeting Western news organizations instead of embassies will they stop rushing to disclose all of these methods to intercept and foil terror plots. More to the point, am I the only one who thinks it’s almost complicit for reporters to continually tip off terrorists about all of the covert ways Western governments are trying to combat them…? Friggin’ idiots!
(“Terror Alert: al-Qaeda Planning Attacks! (Duh…),” The iPINIONS Journal, August 4, 2013)
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