Moreover, it is obvious that the intent of Ahmadinejad’s mission to New York this week is to play psychological games with the American people by, inter alia, making specious arguments about there being more freedom of speech in Iran than there is in the US; and by insisting that the weapons Iran is sending to insurgents in Iraq, as well as the nuclear program its developing at home, are all for purely peaceful purposes.
Of course, I appreciate how infuriating it is that he says all of these things with a preternatural Cheshire-Cat grin on his face. Indeed, one gets the impression that he expects it to disarm his audiences of the knowledge that he has not only denied Hitler’s Holocaust, but appears determined to perpetrate one of his own.
But, given how patently contrived his mission is, I am stupefied that so many seem threatened and emotionally tortured by it:
This madman, this little Hitler…Ahmadinejad should be arrested, not invited to speak…I call on all New Yorkers to make the life of Ahmadinejad as he is in New York miserable, miserable….[ Dov Hikind NY Assemblyman]
Alas, with all due respect to his indignant protesters and would-be jailers, Ahmadinejad’s playing them like a Stradivarius. Indeed, the shame is not his wanting to speak at Columbia or visit Ground Zero. Instead, it’s that so many people are allowing him to pull their emotional strings and (mess with their minds) by the crazy (and sometimes fiendishly clever) things he says.
Nevertheless, for the record, Ahmadinejad should be allowed to speak and engage in debate at Columbia University (or at any other venue in the US). Never mind his hackneyed rhetoric and the fact that getting a straight answer from him will be like drawing blood from a stone – as he demonstrated on 60 Minutes.
On the other hand, he should not be allowed to visit Ground Zero – given his transparent intent to merely piss on this hallowed ground (by “airing differences…and explaining to the American people the root causes of [the 9/11] attacks).
Meanwhile, if you think New Yorkers are beside themselves over this visit, just imagine how seething with envy Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez must be over all of the notoriety Ahmadinejad is getting….
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Ahmadinejad wants to piss on Ground Zero
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Ahmadinejad Columbia University, Ahmadinejad Ground Zero
Muslims Against Sharia says
Muslims Against Sharia condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the decision of Columbia University to provide a speaking venue for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Apparently letting Akbar Rafsanjani speak at the National Cathedral was not the height of American Dhimmitude, because providing a venue for the world’s foremost anti-Semite, whose proclaimed goal is the destruction of the USA and Israel, definitely takes the cake. What is surprising is that we don’t hear any complaints from Columbia alumni who should be ashamed of their silence.
More on the subject: Why Does Columbia host Ahmadinejad?