No doubt you recall all of the Chicken-Little talk by politicians and pundits alike surrounding this year’s budget. Yet literally within seconds of Congress passing a budget bill to avert a government shutdown, these same politicians and pundits redirected their Chicken-Little talk towards drumming up idle-minded fear over the national debt.
Meanwhile, everybody knows that Congress will raise the debt ceiling just as it has done 74 times since 1962; that there will be no government shutdown over this issue either; and that Standard & Poor’s will duly lift its warning about downgrading America’s AAA rating as soon as Obama and his Republican nemeses begin negotiations to forge a deal – not only to continue financing this country’s $14 trillion debt, but also to impose fiscal discipline on its annual budgets. In any case, America will default on its debt obligations when pigs fly.
So instead of taking any of this talk seriously, why don’t we all celebrate this Easter week by praying for these Chicken Littles to finally do something useful – like laying eggs for the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.