The ignorance of (far too many) American voters never ceases to amaze me. Only this explains the (Tea-Party) anger against President Obama that has now misled them into voting out Democrats who did more for them than any Congress in recent history, in favor of Republicans who have vowed that the only thing they’re interested in doing is “making Barack Obama a one term president.”
After all, what informed voter would be angry at Obama and the Democrats for saving the Big Three Auto companies, preventing another Great Depression (and saving the jobs of many of these idiots who were fulminating anger all year), giving tax breaks to the middle class, passing financial and credit card reform, increasing student loan programs, and, yes, passing truly historic healthcare reform – just to name a few of their accomplishments?
Anyway, I see no point in dwelling on this outcome; for it was foretold (by pollsters and their parroting pundits) so many times that it has now become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Nor do I see any point in joining the madding crowd in speculating about what this portends for 2012.
(For the record, I will assert that Obama will be reelected in a relative landslide – thanks in part, ironically enough, to what is bound to be anger with the intransigence of Tea Partiers.)
As for the gloating winners of this midterm election, all I will say is that they’re in for a rude awakening – as I have foretold so many times, here:
Among the causes that will surely contribute to the fall of America is the rise of rabid political forces like these Tea Partiers who believe that political compromise is akin to treason. Remarkably, this belief has injected such paralyzing insanity into American politics that erstwhile principled Republicans (like Senator John McCain) are now disavowing support for policies (like the debt and deficit commission), which they were calling for when Bush was president, just because President Obama has expressed support for them.
(Why I’m so utterly dismissive of the Tea Party, The iPINIONS Journal, September 22, 2010)
And here:
It’s troubling enough that Tea Partiers think that they can go to Washington and get things done without working with any Democrat, including the president. But to have someone like McCain actually fueling this fallacy is a recipe for partisan gridlock the likes of which Washington has never seen before….
(Elections becoming freak show contests, The iPINIONS Journal, October 19, 2010)
Of course, if last night’s vote were really a referendum on all the Democrat-controlled Congress accomplished with President Obama then perhaps just say no, do nothing, and gridlock will be the mandate of the new Republican-controlled Congress, no?
“Listen to the voters”?! Puhleeeese! Most of them have no clue what is best for them, let alone the country. Ask them to explain their anger and you’ll see just how stupid they really are. For example, many of these folks will swear on a stack of Bibles that Obama raised taxes on the middle class, and wasted money bailing out the banks and auto companies. Whereas, in fact, he lowered taxes, and the banks and auto companies have nearly paid back all of that bail-out money … with interest.
Not to mention the fickle “Independent” voters who seem to think that Obama (and the Democrats) should have cleaned up in one year the mess it took Bush (and the Republicans) eight years to create. So much for only ADHD kids throwing temper tantrums when they are denied instant gratification.
But God bless the angry fools who pushed for, and got, this change that no reasonable person can believe in. More importantly, though, God help the United States of America!
NOTE: Despite all of the hoopla surrounding the Tea Party, not a single person was elected last night under that party’s label. Which only proves my longstanding contention that Tea Partiers are just Republicans in Halloween masks….
Related commentaries:
Why I’m so utterly dismissive of the Tea Party
Elections becoming freak show contest
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