Republicans, and even some Democrats, are saying that Barack Obama demeaned the presidency by appearing on The View last week.
But I don’t think this was any more demeaning than George W. Bush appearing on Dr. Phil in 2004. (Thanks for the reminder Jon….)
More to the point, though, it smacks of the most absurd form of elitism (perhaps even of sexism) to suggest that presidents should never appear on daytime TV.
Why would it be okay for the president to appear on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno at 11:30 pm (as Obama did in March 2009 to near-universal applause), but not okay for him to appear on The View at 11 am? Frankly, I would think the latter would be more … presidential.
And, really, is it any more demeaning for Joy Behar to ask the president about Snooki than it is for Larry King to ask him about Lady Gaga?
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