Although, their shock (and dismay) were probably due in part to the false sense of security that is provided by the Jericho-like wall the Israelis built to prevent these walking bombs from crossing their borders. But, as I commented here and here – after suicide bombers stuck in the heart of London last July, no wall, labyrinth of security cameras or beefed-up force of RoboCops can ever prevent these Islamic Jihadists from executing their misguided holy mission.
Indeed, far from being shocked that they struck, the wonder is that they do not do so more often. And with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now threatening to deploy his army of 40,000 suicide bombers to England and the United States if he’s not allowed to build his nuclear bomb (to “wipe Israel off the map”), it’s more likely that this terror will become a fact of life for the rest of us (as it is now for the Iraqis) long before it ceases to be so for the people of Israel.
In the meantime, however, we could probably do a little to discourage these sacrificial warriors – who seem more motivated by their lust for the apocryphal 72 virgins than by any desire to please Allah – if we simply stopped broadcasting their idle-minded farewell tapes. After all, this is precisely the kind of attention these invariably poor, uneducated, marginalized and hopeless Muslim boys crave, even if posthumously, and it only inspires those left behind to seek this pyrrhic glory.
NOTE: Any hope Israelis had that Hamas would condemn Monday’s attack – now that they are the duly recognized government of the Palestinian territories – were shattered when they justified it instead as:
…a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people….The Israeli occupation bears responsibility for the continuation of its aggression. Our people are in a state of self-defense and they have every right to use all means to defend themselves.
Clearly, this macabre trend is fated by the gods to continue…
Palestinian suicide bomber, Israel and Hamas
Kenneth says
This is a scary outlook but I think you’re absolutely right.
Anonymous says
What you don’t get my friend is America and Israel terrorize Mulims for decades. The oppressors and occupiers have made these people feel they have nothing to live for. This is why so many gladly give their lives in the name of Allah.
Mary says
It is a scary outlook indeed Kenneth. Some think that we will soon see suicide bombers in America. The fighting has gone on for many, many years. Unfortunately, I don’t think that it will ever stop.
Bill says
I agree with anonymous. We take our superpower for granted and don’t realize how what this government does in our name does to people around the world. We must have done something to these people to make them want to become suicide bombers to kill us
Anonymous says
I always wondered why we haven’t had suicide bombers here. As scary as it is, I’m glad to know that you are thinking along these lines too. Your blog is extremely informative.