People can be forgiven for having no clue that the heads of the 27 countries that comprise the European Union (EU) met in Portugal a few weeks ago, where they resurrected the constitution that European citizens voted DOA in 2005. After all, this political summit was arranged and executed with all of the stealth and feint one normally associates with a covert military operation….
But I predict that it too will be rejected in resounding fashion.
This, notwithstanding that 18 EU countries have already ratified the treaty; and that ratification in the other eight was expected to be pro forma.
After all, here, in part, is what I wrote about the scheme EU leaders cooked up in Lisbon last year to ensure full ratification:
There seems to have been only one reform measure on the agenda when European leaders met in Portugal. And that was their strategic plan to eradicate the “democratic mandate to ratify the constitution by a referendum of the people” in favor of the more expedient process of pro forma ratification by national parliaments….
I fully expect a popular backlash against this craven attempt by European leaders to finagle this document – full of legal and political jargon signifying nothing – into force. Not to mention that the Commission will probably be compelled to declare it null and void after member states follow the British precedent by systematically opting out of all provisions that do not suit their national interests.
People in Ireland have sent the clearest possible message that they do not want this treaty, they do not want this constitution and by all rights now it should be declared dead.I think the elites in Brussels have got to listen to people in Europe who do not want endless powers being passed from nation states to Brussels. It is the height of arrogance for Gordon Brown and our government to press ahead with ratifying this treaty, flying in the face of public opinion.
[David Cameron MP, British opposition Conservative Party leader]
Europe as an idea does not provoke passionate support among ordinary citizens.
[Denis MacShane MP, British Labour Party member and a former minister for Europe]
But any modifications they make to appease Irish concerns are bound to embolden voters in other countries to demand similar modifications. And before long the EU Constitution will be exposed as the veritable tower of Babel I dismissed it as over a year ago.
The treaty was intended to assimilate the former communist countries of eastern Europe. In addition, according to the BBC, it provided for a streamlining of the European Commission, the removal of the national veto in more policy areas, a new president of the European Council and a strengthened foreign affairs post.
It was due to come into force on January 1, 2009.
Stay tuned…
Related Articles:
EU Constitution is dead!
EU Constitution Irish vote
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