Given all the coverage of yesterday’s “Super Tuesday” primaries, you can be forgiven for thinking that the results are truly meaningful.
Headlines today are hailing Romney’s win of the lion’s share of delegates, and proclaiming him the putative Republican nominee.
But even before Trump, Pawlenty, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, and Romney turned the Republican nomination process into a political version of the biggest loser, I predicted who the winner would be. So here is why Super Tuesday was such an anticlimactic farce:
He may not send a thrill up and down the spine of the Tea Partiers and religious (anti-Mormon) nuts who comprise the base, but there are enough sensible people still in that party who recognize that only one candidate has a prayer against Obama next year, and it’s Mitt.
(“And the Republican Nominee Is…,” The iPINIONS Journal, September 9, 2011)
Of course political pundits will be all over TV today trying their damnedest to make you think there’s still a horse race and that the outcome is still in doubt. But this is only because, like snake-oil salesmen, their livelihood depends on getting you to buy into this farce.
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And the Republican nominee is…