The Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 was arguably the worst race massacre in US history. Yet it was so effectively whitewashed from history books that even eminent political commentators are confessing ignorance about it today. Try as I might, I cannot recall even a passing reference to it during my school days – not even… Read more.
Archives for 2021
Citing Mental Health Concerns, Naomi Osaka Withdraws from French Open
In a world of trash-talking athletes, Naomi Osaka stands out as a superstar who clearly prefers to let her playing do all the talking. This is why it was hardly surprising when so many athletes spoke out against racial injustice after the infamous killing of George Floyd last year. But it speaks volumes that Osaka… Read more.
Podcast: Apple the Apple of China’s Eye on Its Citizens
Episode 34: But Apple Didn’t Fall Far From the US Government Tree… Related commentaries: doing business in China… if US were police state… Biden’s A-Team… Earth Day… Ukraine’s Orange Revolution… world beware… china buying dominion… Listen.
Lord Ashcroft’s Daughter-in-Law Arrested for ‘White Mischief’ Caribbean Style…
The tiny Caribbean nation of Belize is making worldwide headlines today. This, because local authorities arrested the daughter-in-law of a notorious British lord for allegedly murdering a local man she was “socializing” with on a pier around midnight on Thursday. Except that, as one might expect given this lady’s status in life, this was no… Read more.
Navalny Withers as Putin Summits…
Russia’s unrepentant and unrelenting transgressions were already such that they provoked me to publish “To Reinforce Sanctions Against Lukashenko the Skyjacker and Vlad the Poisoner, Biden Must Cancel the Putin Summit!” May 27, 2021. Then came this: Microsoft says another wave of Russian cyber-attacks has targeted government agencies and human rights groups in 24 countries,… Read more.
To Reinforce Sanctions Against Lukashenko the Skyjacker and Vlad the Poisoner, Biden Must Cancel the Putin Summit!
EU leaders led the world in condemning the president of Belarus for ordering a truly extraordinary caper on Sunday. In a piece on May 24 titled, “A State-Sponsored Skyjacking Can’t Go Unanswered,” the editorial board of The New York Times began its condemnation as follows: _________ Aleksandr Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, has gone too… Read more.
Hail, Mickelson. Golf’s Oldest-Ever Major Champion! Tiger Who?
Anyone who knows me knows that the last thing I expected to be doing on Sunday afternoon was watching golf. Yet that’s what I did, and I’m happy to say so. This report from the May 23 edition of The New York Times explains why: _________ Weathering a riveting, roller-coaster test of nerve over five… Read more.
Apple Is the Apple of China’s Eye on Its Citizens
The tech, legal, and political worlds are all atwitter over the way Apple CEO Tim Cook was grilled during cross-examination at an “epic” antitrust trial on Friday. No doubt this reaction was partly due to the unusual fact that the presiding judge, not opposing counsel, was the one who grilled him. As Fortune reported on… Read more.
Podcast: Biden’s Foreign Policy ‘A-Team’ Is Failing Him
Episode 33: Signing Executive Orders to Reverse Trump’s Policies Was Easy… Related commentaries: I picked Biden… rogue nations… Chutzpah!… boycott Olympics… Russian hackers… China Uighurs… Groundhog-day flare up… Neverending story… 1 dead Israeli… Afghanistan… Listen.
America the Whale…
Remarkably, it seems rogue actors – from totalitarian states like North Korea to terrorist groups like the Taliban, drug cartels like the Sinaloas, and ransomware extortionists like Darkside – see the mighty United States the way parasites see big grey whales. Only this explains how it has become as normal for those actors to steal… Read more.