For all intents and purposes, Joe Biden dealt Bernie Sanders a knockout blow in their (now two-man) fight for the Democratic presidential nomination on Super Tuesday. I duly celebrated with the Ali-like headline, “Super Tuesday: A Biden Shocker,” March 4, 2020. More to the point, though, Bernie himself effectively threw in the towel one week… Read more.
Archives for 2020
Big Doping Syndicate Behind Horse Racing Finally Exposed … and Indicted!
I have been championing calls to ban horse racing for over a decade for all manner of reasons. Here, for example, is what I wrote in “Sadly, the Bell Tolled for Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby,” May 6, 2008: ____________________ The sport of kings? Indeed. But so is the barbarism of fox hunting. …… Read more.
Margaret, My Big Sister, Is Gone
This time last year, I was mourning the sudden loss of my big brother Christy. His death proved the harbinger of a year of unimaginable losses that included my publisher Barry, my darling tašta Bibi, and my baby brother Derek. I pray Margaret’s death does not prove a harbinger of similar bells to toll this… Read more.
Europe’s Persistent, Pestilent Migration Crisis…
It is making the mass migration John Steinbeck dramatized in The Grapes of Wrath look like a giddy gold rush. In fact, it’s often difficult to tell these days whether Europe is trying to cope with a migration or fend off an invasion. The EU refused to prepare for a predictable rekindling of the migration… Read more.
Coronavirus Delays Bond Film but Produces Best PSA Ever
Evidently, some of you have taken offense to my “flippant” take on this unfolding coronavirus pandemic. I regret that. But I feel constrained to note that I invariably juxtapose my take with far more deadly concerns like the seasonal flu and the tornado that just devastated Tennessee. It is in this panic-driven context that I… Read more.
Tornado Devastated Tennessee but Panic Over Coronavirus Is Causing Most People to Ignore It
It was tornado this time. But it could be hurricane, earthquake, or fire next time. And, more to the point, the devastation caused would be just the same. The tornado outbreak killed at least 24 people and injured dozens more, making it the deadliest in Tennessee since at least 2011. A state of emergency was… Read more.
Super Tuesday: A Biden Shocker
By now, you’re probably aware that Joe Biden shocked the political world with his performance in yesterday’s Super Tuesday primaries. Joe Biden dominated across the South on Tuesday and scored a dramatic upset victory in Texas while surprising in Minnesota and Massachusetts, roaring into contention in a Democratic presidential primary that increasingly looks like a… Read more.
Hindu-Muslim Violence in India Aping Sunni-Shia Violence in Iraq, Israeli-Palestinian Violence in Israel…
Or, perhaps more ominously, it’s aping the Hutu-Tutsi violence that played out in Rwanda. Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan have been laying sovereign claims to Kashmir, respectively, since 1947. This has caused three major wars and numerous skirmishes between them, and spawned a spate of terrorist attacks by Kashmiri separatist groups. This is why so… Read more.
Afghanistan: Trump’s Chamberlainian Peace Deal with the Taliban
For the record, I’ve been declaring America’s war in Afghanistan a lost cause for nearly 15 years. This, because it has been patently clear for at least that long that this war is eerily reminiscent of Vietnam … in every unwinnable respect. As I have noted on previous occasions, the titles to just a few… Read more.
Political Addicts Anonymous…
I fear it will take supernatural powers to stay on the wagon through November 3 … So good luck with that, Rachel! Read more.