As it happens, I presaged this prejudice nearly 15 years ago in “Non-White Bishops Rebuke Their North American Brethren…” May 8, 2005. I was commenting on black bishops leading opposition to the ordination of gay bishops and priests in the Anglican Church. Here is an excerpt: ____________________ Gay Anglican Bishop Gene Robinson can be forgiven… Read more.
Archives for 2019
Trump Sneaks Out for Dr.’s Note to Resign Presidency…?
Trust me, for Trump, it’s better to fake a mysterious illness, which might evoke national sympathy, than to get impeached (or lose reelection), which would incite national ridicule. That’s why I think his oxymoronic mix of bluster and cowardice is behind this: President Donald Trump’s visit to Walter Reed on Saturday did not follow the… Read more.
Evidently Kaepernick Is Interested in Playing Politics, Not Football
Many people have been cheering for Colin Kaepernick to get back into the NFL. This, because they thought he wanted nothing more than to play again but that team owners were blackballing him. But the stunt he pulled yesterday should disabuse everyone of that thought. Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s much-anticipated NFL workout… Read more.
Republicans’ Shifting-Sands Defense against Impeachment
But the “schifftiest” of all defenses was their insistence that, President Trump thinks this impeachment inquiry is so inconsequential, he’s not even bothering to watch the congressional hearings. Never mind that this is even less credible than Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, insisting this week that Trump has never lied… Read more.
Hey badgalriri, do you know whose image and ethos you’re flirting with…?
“What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a [woman] who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a [woman] who has the good imposed upon [her]?” — Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Related commentaries: Rihanna & Chris Brown… Read more.
Venice Is Flooding…Again
Severe flooding in Venice that has left much of the Italian city under water is a direct result of climate change, the mayor says. The highest water levels in the region in more than 50 years would leave ‘a permanent mark’, Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted. ‘Now the government must listen,’ he added. ‘These are… Read more.
Chávez Disciple Evo Morales of Bolivia Surrenders and Flees
Say what you will about Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, he knows how to withstand street protests. He, of course, is the Peter of Chávez disciples. More to the point, he has been ruling for years in the face of the kind of street protests that, after mere weeks, forced fellow disciple Bolivian President Evo Morales… Read more.
The New York Times Cutting Cartoons Is a Public Disservice
I’ve had cause in many commentaries on the Trump presidency to cite the aphorism If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry. But equally relevant in this context is the aphorism A picture is worth a thousand words. And there’s no gainsaying that nothing makes us laugh while speaking volumes more than cartoons. That’s why I’ve been… Read more.
France’s Macron: NATO Is Dying; Germany’s Merkel: Don’t Be So Quick to Surrender.
A defining feature of the Trump presidency is the way the United States is alienating allies and embracing enemies. This was the case just weeks ago when the United States summarily betrayed the Syrian Kurds, leaving them to the crusading devices of Turkish frenemies and the mercenary devices of Russian and Syrian enemies. Therefore, one… Read more.
Social Media Should Ban Political Ads
Twitter: the case for banning political ads Last week, Jack Dorsey announced that Twitter would ban all political ads. The media lionized him. Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, said political ads, including manipulated videos and the viral spread of misleading information, presented challenges to civic discourse, ‘all at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale.’ He… Read more.