You might notice that this blog does not feature any revenue-generating ads. That’s because, when I launched it 12 years ago, I wanted to make plain my primary interest in contributing to informed public debate on an eclectic array of topics. This has distinguished it over the years from the blogs of far too many… Read more.
Archives for 2017
Trumpcare a Health Scare for Trump Voters
Repealing and replacing Obamacare was the signature promise of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Therefore, you’d think the bill to implement it would augur well for the poor white folks who compose his base. Well, think again: In [Grant County, Nebraska], the President won over 93 percent of the vote in the last election. But Grant County… Read more.
When Landfills Kill – the Real Life of “Slumdogs”…
And none of them even dream of becoming a millionaire. The film Slumdog Millionaire was all the rage in 2008. It garnered ten Oscar nominations and won eight, including for Best Picture and Directing (by Danny Boyle). But I took umbrage at its rank exploitation of those poor Indian kids – who actually live in… Read more.
Be Ready for Your Close-Up – Big Brother Is Watching 24/7
By the way, if you’re a law-abiding person or just a smooth criminal engaged in conventional crimes, get over yourself. Big Brother is not interested in you, so you can look as ugly as you always do. He’s only interested in Jihadi pawns engaged in terrorist activities. Related commentaries: NSA/CIA bogeymen… Read more.
Aung San Suu Kyi Lording Over Myanmar’s Crimes Against Humanity
Government forces have been perpetrating crimes against humanity for years in Myanmar, which rival those government forces have been perpetrating in South Sudan. Yet, while I suspect many of you have trending knowledge of the latter, I suspect few of you know anything of the former. No doubt this stems primarily from your lack of… Read more.
Trump Tapping Huntsman for Russia Suggests He Really Is Putin’s Puppet
Reports are that President Trump has picked former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. for ambassador to Russia. The problem, however, is that Huntsman has no experience dealing with Russia, does not speak the language, and displayed little understanding of Russian affairs during his ill-fated run for president in 2012. To be fair, he speaks Mandarin,… Read more.
A Day Without a Woman…
Organizers say it was intended in the same spirit of “love and liberation” that inspired women’s marches worldwide. … The national strike movement on Wednesday coincides with International Women’s Day. It aims to draw attention to inequities working women face compared to men, from wage disparity to harassment to job insecurity. (CNN, March 8, 2017)… Read more.
Russia, Iran, and North Korea Making Trump Look like a Chump
Remember the campaign days when Trump used to boast that no country would dare disrespect his presidency the way he claimed so many were disrespecting Obama’s? For example, he routinely ridiculed Obama as weak and pathetic for Allowing Russian fighter jets to buzz US warships in the Black Sea; Trump boasted: It just shows how… Read more.
Smart China Spending Less on Military; Stupid US Spending More
Listening to President Trump rail about how underfunded the US military is, you’d think President Obama spent the past eight years defunding the Department of Defense; you know, the way Trump is planning to defund the Department of Education. In 2014, the most recent year available, the United States led the world in military spending… Read more.
About that Bull Run on Wall Street
President Trump hailing the Dow jumping over 21,000 is rather like Mother Goose hailing the cow jumping over the moon. Hey, diddle, diddle… Suckers beware! Read more.