Archives for 2016
Have you noticed that otherwise intelligent people use the word “so” the way valley girls use the word “like”? Reports are that computer geeks began doing “so” in the 1990s. Which conjures up the spectacle of first dates between geeks from Silicon Valley and valley girls from the San Fernando Valley. Not exactly the stuff of California… Read more.
Hackers Leak Trump’s Tax Returns…?
No. But, if they can, they should … in the public interest. One of the constants of modern elections is that presidential candidates have released their recent tax returns… But Donald Trump has told the Associated Press that he does not expect to release his tax returns before the election… If he’s Honest Donald, he’ll… Read more.
The Invictus Games 2016
The inaugural Invictus Games in London 2014 used the power of sport to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation and generate a wider understanding and respect for wounded, injured and sick Servicemen and women… The Invictus Games Orlando 2016 for our Wounded Warriors will feature 10 competitive events including archery, indoor rowing, powerlifting, road cycling, sitting volleyball, swimming, track and field, wheelchair… Read more.
Court Docs Reveal Coach Paterno Knew for Decades Sandusky Was Raping Boys
These days, even the most shocking scandal trends and memes for an hour on social media, and then fades from public consciousness. Therefore, the Penn State child sex abuse scandal might seem like ancient history. As it happened, I wrote a number of commentaries decrying the abuse and cover-up involved – beginning with “Penn State’s… Read more.
London Elects Sadiq Khan First Muslim Mayor. Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Sadiq Khan made history as London’s first Muslim mayor tonight… Mr. Khan, a former Labour cabinet minister, became Britain’s most powerful Muslim politician when he defeated the Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith by a landslide… The Conservatives’ tactic of accusing Mr. Khan of ‘legitimising’ extremist views failed to win over voters in the capital, and was… Read more.
For LGBTs in North Carolina, Beyoncé Is a Sellout
In the mid-1980s, Miles Davis, U2, and Run-D.M.C. headlined a long list of entertainers who boycotted South Africa. They did so because they knew performing there would be tantamount to endorsing the Apartheid government’s discrimination against blacks. Bear that in mind as you read the rest of this commentary. Laws in North Carolina and Mississippi… Read more.
Humping Trump Exposes News Anchormen as Worse than Used Car Salesmen
These days, news anchormen serve as little more than hosts of reality TV shows masquerading as news programs. Their programming mantra – “if it bleeds, it leads” – used to reflect reporting on an increasingly violent society. Now it reflects reporting on anything that outrages, scares, or titillates – just to generate ratings. Which, of… Read more.
Alas, Bernie Never Had a Prayer…
Things are looking grim for Bernie Sanders. The Democratic presidential candidate told The New York Times on Wednesday that his campaign plans to lay off ‘hundreds of staff members’ as the campaign shifts resources to California, which holds its primary contest in June. The news arrives less than 24 hours after Sanders suffered a series… Read more.
Elvis, Michael, David, Now Prince: How Death Became Them
Elvis Presley pioneered the funereal phenomenon of music stars becoming far more marketable in death than they ever were in life. Michael Jackson took this to new heights (or depths depending on your sense and sensibility): Since the singer died of drug intoxication in 2009 – when he was said to be $500 million in… Read more.