At 12:01 this morning, the latest literary potion from neo-pagan J.K. Rowling entitled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released. And, people (mostly children up way past their bedtime) rushed bookstores with such crazed determination to get their copies that one might have thought they were cocaine addicts jostling each other to score some… Read more.
Archives for 2014
The Bahamas Is 41! Time to Grow Up!
The Bahamas celebrates 41 years of independence today. I heartily join in hailing our motto: “Forward, Upward, Onward, Together” … my Bahamaland! We are a nation of only 320,000 people. Yet not even the political and cultural hegemony of the United States can chasten our national pride. But this is precisely why we make such… Read more.
Brazil Surrenders World Cup Glory to Germany 1-7
And, trust me, even that one goal in the final (i.e., 90th) minute of the match had more to do with Germany taking pity on Brazil than with Brazil salvaging some measure of national pride. Meanwhile, Brazilians in the stands being overcome with inconsolable grief gave the impression these devout Christians were witnessing the crucifixion of… Read more.
Facebook Friends?! Try Facebook’s Guinea Pigs
People are up in arms about the recent revelation that Facebook manipulated its users during a psychological study… User Interface designers and researchers at places like Google, Facebook or Yahoo! regularly tweak the live site’s interface for a subset of visitors to see whether users behave differently in response. While this technique shines new light… Read more.
On Second Thought, Keep Your … Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Hispanics and Haitians migrating to America Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door! It’s arguable that these final lines of Emma Lazarus’s sonnet, “The New Colossus,” constitute… Read more.
Even Perez Hilton Thinks Lady Gaga’s Just a Freak Show
I am no music critic; and I have no regard for the publicity stunts so many singers pull these days, which give the impression that they are more interested in attracting Facebook friends and Twitter followers than in making good records. Perhaps this is why so many music fans (aka “little monsters”) took exception when… Read more.
Egypt Lecturing U.S. on Democratic Principles…?
Imagine that. Actually, I’ve been lamenting every vindicating episode arising out of the following warning I gave in the germinating days of the Arab Spring: With all due respect to the protesters, the issue is not whether Mubarak will go, for he will. (The man is 82 and already looks half dead for Christ’s sake!)… Read more.
World Cup: Nooooooo! All Is Not Lost (Yet) America…
Watching U.S. fans collapse into paroxysms of despair at the sound of the whistle ending yesterday’s game against Portugal, you’d think their team had just been eliminated from World Cup contention. Whereas, in fact, the game ended in a tie, which means that U.S. hopes are still alive. Of course, an outright win would’ve vested… Read more.
Harley Davidson Goes Electric
Harley Davidson’s roll out of a new electric bike last week confirms its intent to appeal more to members of the establishment than to rebels without a cause. Not least because the way this bike looks, rides, and, perhaps most important, sounds conjures up images more of a sleek cheetah than a grizzly bear. I… Read more.