This week country crooner Tim McGraw was caught on tape – not only swatting away the hand of a fan who tried to grope him, but slapping her across the face to boot. Tim McGraw may have had a good reason for getting aggressive with a fan. ‘At the end of the night during the… Read more.
Archives for 2014
This is what war with Islamic terrorists looks like folks…
Israeli shelling killed four Palestinian boys on a Gaza beach on Wednesday… Palestinian militants fired more than 130 rockets into Israel on the ninth day of a war in which Israeli attacks have killed 216 Palestinians, including six in two air strikes on Wednesday. Most of the casualties were civilians…. (Reuters, July 16, 2014) Meanwhile,… Read more.
MH17: Another Malaysian Flight Falls from the Sky
Despite his denials, Russian President Vladimir Putin has clearly been inciting and supporting (pro-Russian) Ukrainian separatists pursuant to his agenda to reclaim Russia’s “sphere of influence.” I asserted from the outset that his strategy is fraught with geopolitical peril. Nothing demonstrates this quite like yesterday’s breaking news implicating those separatists in the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17,… Read more.
Russia Reopening Base in Cuba? Whoopty Friggin’ Doo
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming (back to Cuba)! Russia has quietly reached an agreement with Cuba to reopen a Soviet-era spy base on America’s doorstep, amid souring relations between Moscow and Washington. The deal to reopen the signals intelligence facility in Lourdes, south of Havana, was agreed in principle during President Vladimir… Read more.
Forget 500-Page Books, People Don’t Even Read 500-Word Articles Anymore
For years I’ve been lamenting the trend of purportedly intelligent people attempting to debate topics based on knowledge that extends little beyond trending tweets. I remember well in the late 1990s when, oddly enough, people wanted to appear both hip and intelligent. It seemed de rigueur back then to rave about the brilliance and insightfulness… Read more.
Nothing ‘Brave’ about Ian Thorpe Finally Saying, ‘I’m Gay’
Ian Thorpe was just 15 when he was first asked about his sexuality by the media. As he grew into a man and conquered the swimming world – winning five Olympic gold medals for Australia– the questioning never stopped. The answer was always the same: I am not gay. Now 31, the swimmer said the… Read more.
Groundhog-Day Flare up Between Israelis and Palestinians
Truth be told, I have mixed feelings about commenting on this latest flare up between the Israelis and Palestinians for dominion over the Promised Land. After all, commentators (like me) have been no more able to make sense of this conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians than envoys (like U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry) have… Read more.
Germany Defeats Argentina 1-0 for World Cup Championship
I should begin by reiterating that: I had no emotional or financial interest in the outcome of this game. Nigeria was my pick to win it all. But after it was kicked out in the second round, I shifted my allegiance to Argentina. (“Brazil Surrenders World Cup to Germany 1-7,” The iPINIONS Journal, July 9,… Read more.
Ooops! Sorry Angelina…
Dear Readers I trust it was obvious that yesterday’s post on Angelina Jolie’s fake boobs was incomplete. In fact, I intended to file it as a draft. Ironically, the reason it was incomplete is that I developed misgivings about its fairness to Jolie. I regret this mistake, which by my inability to correct until this… Read more.
LeBron James Taking His Talents Back to Cleveland
Here is what I wrote when LeBron announced four years ago that he was “taking my talents to Miami:” It’s important to bear in mind that LeBron’s all-consuming ambition to win a championship is the same ambition that motivated (and still motivates) all great NBA players: winning really is everything to them. And he will surely… Read more.