In two operations in Africa nearly 3,000 miles apart, U.S. military forces went after two high-value targets over the weekend. One operation took place early Saturday in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, when members of the elite U.S. Army Delta Force captured Abu Anas al Libi, an al Qaeda operative wanted for his alleged role… Read more.
Archives for 2013
Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit’s former ‘Hip-Hop’ Mayor, Sentenced to 28 years
Last summer, on July 18, Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. And the political corruption recounted here explains why: ‘While the city’s finances foundered, Kilpatrick was shaking down contractors, ensuring that a pal got millions in city work and turning a nonprofit fund to help struggling Detroiters into a personal slush fund,… Read more.
Hooray! Obama Nominates Janet Yellen to Head the Fed
From day one of my commentaries I’ve been a one-man cheerleading team encouraging the strides women are taking to rule the world … with the same compassionate and humanistic instincts with which they’ve always ruled the roost at home. We have enough data, as well as anecdotal evidence, from the way women have influenced the… Read more.
Higgs Boson Nobel Prize Based More on Hope than Accomplishment
Here, in part, is how I threw cold water on giddy celebrations last year after scientists announced their discovery of the elusive Higgs boson (aka the God particle): Watching scientists behave at Wednesday’s news conference announcing this discovery like little girls at a Justin Bieber concert indicates what a big deal they think it is… But, frankly, not since… Read more.
Angelina Jolie’s Breast Cancer Awareness Is about Implants
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, although more awareness hardly seems necessary. After all, even football players are sporting pink on their uniforms to show their awareness. Some players are even wearing pink shoes. Angelina Jolie’s breast cancer awareness Women usually get double mastectomies to treat breast cancer. But Angelina Jolie has everyone talking about women getting… Read more.
Lampedusa Tragedy Highlights Europe’s ‘Haitian’ Problem
There’s no denying that America has an arbitrary, even mercenary, immigration policy (which, for example, grants Cuban migrants an EZ pass but repatriates Haitian migrants summarily). Yet, compared with that of other countries, America has by far the most inviting and humane policy of them all. This fact is finally coming into stark relief for… Read more.
U.S. as Paragon and Beacon of Democracy? Ha!
I fully appreciate why so many Americans winced at Russian President Vladimir Putin presuming to lecture the United States about the shortcomings of its democratic practices (in what had to have been a deliberately dated op-ed in the New York Times on 9/11). After all, with the notorious blunders of Iraq and Afghanistan still so raw in public consciousness,… Read more.
Mayor Bloomberg Gloating over Spike in Shooting Incidents…?
Last August, Manhattan federal Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices are unconstitutional because they routinely violated the Fourth-Amendment protection of Blacks and Hispanics against unreasonable searches and seizures. In fact, the sight of dark-skinned men being stopped and frisked (invariably by White cops) had become as much a feature of life in… Read more.
Shootout in DC – But Only Among the Police
You’ve probably heard about the big shootout here in Washington, DC yesterday that caused utter pandemonium – complete with building lockdowns, people running for their lives, and police cars crashing into security barriers (you know, those unsightly concrete bollards that dot every sidewalk). You’d be forgiven for thinking that not just one but a platoon… Read more.
PSA: Exercise, Don’t Take Meds?
According to researchers from Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine: Exercise may be as effective as medication in preventing early death in people who’ve had heart attacks or strokes, a new study suggests… This adds to a large volume of research on the benefits of regular physical activity. Exercise has been shown… Read more.