The Islamic Republic of Iran elected a new president in a democratic election that would’ve made even George Washington, the father of American democracy, proud. But this did not please one of his presidential heirs and namesake, George W. Bush, in the least. After all, this curious George only likes democratic elections when the rulers… Read more.
Archives for 2013
Happy Father’s Day! And good luck if you have a teenage daughter…
Ignorance prevails re NSA spying and Snowden leaking
Immediately below is a commentary I wrote last Saturday (June 8) on the public’s reaction to leaks about the U.S. government’s National Security Agency (NSA) spying on its citizens. In light of the international media frenzy NSA leaker Edward Snowden caused this week, I have decided to reprise it here, followed by a new commentary… Read more.
Pope Confesses: There’s a Gay Cabal in the Vatican
It should come as no shock that a gay cabal pulls the strings in the Vatican. Only that explains why the Vatican indulges and covers up the sexual exploits of pedophile priests. After all, punishing the few pedophile priests risks outing the many gay ones. For centuries, gay cabals have mocked every religious edict the Holy See issued. That mockery is inherent… Read more.
Putin’s Divorce Dents Public Armor
Russian President Vladimir Putin (60) has become an international laughing stock for staging photo ops to make himself look more like an action hero than a political leader. Not least because so many of his stunts, like pretending to escort migrating cranes in a glider, make him look more like Johnny English than James Bond.… Read more.
It’s Time to Let Mandela Go
With all due respect to my comrades in South Africa, “Breaking News” about Nelson Mandela being rushed to hospital is taking on the spectacle of breaking news about Lindsay Lohan being arrested. Let me hasten to declare that I have as much respect, admiration, and affection for Mandela as any non-South African can possibly have.… Read more.
Complaints about NSA Spying are Schizophrenic … and Misguided
Frankly, Americans complaining about the government spying on them is rather like Kim Kardashian complaining about the paparazzi taking pictures of her. You’d better pray you are never prosecuted or sued for anything. Because not only Big Brother but even your civil adversary could compel Google to turn over all of the searches you made… Read more.
Britain Apologizes and Pays for Colonial Atrocities
The British government argued in court last year that too much time had passed for victims to claim legal compensation for the human rights abuses British officials meted out during Kenya’s Mau Mau rebellion 60 years ago. But here, in part, is what I wrote to disabuse the government of this unconscionable and unsustainable defense: If… Read more.
Why the Furor Over Michael Douglas’s HPV PSA…?
Without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV, which actually comes about from cunnilingus. I did worry if the stress caused by my son’s incarceration didn’t help trigger it. But yeah, it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer. (London Guardian, June 2, 2013) This is the rather controversial way… Read more.
International Criminal Court Has Lost All Credibility
If Taylor of Liberia can be hauled to The Hague and tried for aiding and abetting atrocities that were committed in Sierra Leone, why shouldn’t Putin of Russia face the same fate for aiding and abetting similar atrocities now being committed in Syria? (“Liberian president Charles Taylor Convicted in The Hague,” The iPINIONS Journal, April… Read more.