The irony cannot be lost on anyone that millions of Egyptians are planning to mark the one-year anniversary of their democratic revolution by calling on their democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, to resign. Here is how Mohamed ElBaradei – who heads the opposition National Salvation Front as well as the Al-Dustar Party – framed the… Read more.
Archives for 2013
‘Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Constitutional’! Not Exactly…
There are far too many political and legal pundits on TV spouting opinions they blithely disavow as soon as those opinions prove either untrendy or dead wrong. And they get away with it because most people today have the intellectual memory of teenage twits. This is especially dismaying to a commentator like me who puts his… Read more.
‘Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights’ for Blacks? Hardly…
It’s a huge defeat for the civil rights community on the most important civil rights law ever passed. The Court has revoked and canceled part of Martin Luther King’s dream. (Reverend Al Sharpton, The Huffington Post, June 25, 2013) Given the way Black civil rights activists reacted, you’d think the decision the Supreme Court handed… Read more.
Playboy Berlusconi Finally Screwed
I’ve been commenting on the public machinations and private peccadilloes of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for many years. And I’ve always been stupefied by the way he invariably escaped the consequences of his bad, if not illegal, behavior. It is his reported schtupping of underage girls at these bacchanalian soirees that has finally ensnared him in a legal… Read more.
Brazil’s Arab-Spring-Style Protests
I’ve been commenting on the kinds of mass protests (and riots) now raging across Brazil for almost a decade. I refer you to the following in The iPINIONS Journal: “Revolution in the Middle East” (March 2, 2005), “Alienated Youths Masquerading as Grieving Students Still Rioting in Greece” (December 13, 2008), “Tunisian Revolution Sets Off Arab… Read more.
Looking forward to your summer vacation…?
Heat Repeat Defeat Spurs !
Not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven and hey I’m not just up here blowing smoke at none of these fans … I’m about business and we believe we can win multiple championships…. (Heat’s welcome party for LeBron, YouTube, July 10, 2010) I was among those who ridiculed LeBron James… Read more.
Want to ‘Win’ Miss USA? Make a Fool of Yourself…
At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man before my time, I can remember when the girl who won the Miss USA pageant was the one who skyrocketed to fame. But such is our celebration of scandal and shame these days that fame goes not to the girl who wins, but to the… Read more.
Liberals Feel Betrayed by Obama’s NSA Spying…?
Recent revelations about the NSA spying on American citizens have caused profound disillusionment within the liberal establishment. Nothing demonstrates this quite like the Huffington Post, the generally recognized portal of liberal politics online, posting on its front page a morphed image of George W. Bush and Barack Obama – complete with the damning caption “George W.… Read more.
G8 Summit all about ‘Bangs’
Given the optics, you could be forgiven for thinking that my headline refers to leaders banging heads over the vexing issues on the table at this week’s G8 summit in Northern Ireland. But this is not so. There is, of course, the historic and ironic spectacle of the United States and United Kingdom being on… Read more.