As a warlord, Taylor commanded rebel forces who raped, tortured, and killed indiscriminately on their march to power. And as president of Liberia, he aided, abetted, and traded (guns for diamonds) with warlords in Sierra Leone whose rebel forces did there what his did in Liberia… So here’s to the fate that awaits Charles Taylor… Read more.
Archives for 2012
PSA: Smoking Litterbugs
I have such tunnel vision on my walks to and from the metro on workdays that one might think I’m wearing horse blinders. However, this does not prevent me from making eye contact and nodding passing greetings to people who come into view. “Passing” is the operative word here. Because no matter the person (i.e., how intriguing… Read more.
Now Houla: Assad of Syria continues to massacre with impunity
Reports over the weekend on the massacre (door to door, execution style) of over 100 men, women, and children in the Houla region of Syria by forces still loyal to President Bashar al-Assad had the international community recoiling in horror. I have come to Syria at a critical moment in this crisis… I am personally shocked… Read more.
Brits Pray Lockerbie Bomber Took Secrets to Grave
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was the only person convicted in 2001 for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988. Two hundred and seventy people (two-thirds of them Americans) were killed; Megrahi was sentenced to life in a Scottish prison. But he was released in 2009, which incited me to write… Read more.
Female Sex Tourism – ‘Paradise: Love’
There is nothing new about female sex tourism. It’s only that women who travel for sex have been more discreet than men who do. Female sex tourism The Cannes Film Festival is famous for launching modest films into worldwide acclaim. Some of those films even become blockbusters. That was the case, for example, with Fahrenheit… Read more.
Facebook IPO just floating another tech bubble…
And it’s bound to go bust a lot sooner than others. But let’s face it, haven’t you had enough of the mundane and often-recycled crap your “friends” share … every day, several times a day? Even worse are the hucksters who keep begging you to “Like” their page so they can make money off your “friendship.” Then… Read more.
New French President Nominates ‘First Partner’ as Speaker?
How gallant! How French! And here’s why: Every French newspaper is emblazoned with headlines about the intriguing split between Ségolène Royal, the Socialist candidate I endorsed in last month’s French presidential election, and Francois Hollande, the leader of the Socialist Party… [T]hese two have been ‘partners’ forever (30 years) and have four children, but never… Read more.
Join our IDAHO (the state of tolerance, not the one in America)
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia Related commentaries: Obama (personally) supports gay marriage… Read more.
Whites: Polling Obama but Voting Romney?
Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for The Washington Examiner. But if anyone could be called the dean of political analysts in America without fear of contradiction, he’s the one. Which is why he generated so much buzz when he published the following on Monday in Three Ways to Look at the 2012 Campaign:… Read more.
Greece: a Tumor Growing in Europe
I find it stupefying that Greece is causing so much existential angst in Europe. Mind you, I used to accept the prevailing view that, like JPMorgan Chase, Greece is just too big to fail; moreover, that if it failed others would surely follow. I am now convinced, however, that this transformative logic simply does not… Read more.