Like me you probably paid no attention to much of the blather that came out of the mouth of Donald Trump during the three-ring circus that was his pretend exploration of a run for president of the United States. Yet there’s no denying the truth of at least one of Trump’s talking points; namely, that… Read more.
Archives for 2011
Tiger! Tiger! Losing Fight
Winning tournaments in his inimitable fashion is the only way now to eradicate images of his bacchanalian private life from public consciousness. And only this will give his understandably spooked corporate sponsors – who dropped him like a hot potato – the cover they need to feature him as their spokesman once again… In any… Read more.
London riots proved just how useful social media can be…
Related commentaries: London riots Read more.
In support of Barack Obama: my abiding, even if forlorn, HOPE…
[F]ar too much of this criticism is fickle, hypocritical and emotionally wrought… The real narrative arc of course is that progressive columnists (like Maureen Dowd of the New York Times) who once fawned over Obama’s style are now criticizing it. But I hope Obama shows the same indifference towards their criticisms that he showed when… Read more.
Thank you, Governor Wetherell
When Governor Gordon Wetherell arrived in the Turks and Caicos Islands three years ago, our country was mired in such endemic political corruption that he spent most of his first year overseeing the British government’s plans to suspend local rule. I fully appreciate that it has become politically expedient lately, perhaps even fashionable, to claim… Read more.
Obama Saluting War Dead … Again
Almost two years ago I wrote a commentary titled, “Obama Saluting War Dead Will Be Defining Image of His Presidency.” Nothing vindicates this commentary quite like the president feeling compelled to clear his schedule yesterday to be at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to salute the Navy Seals who were returning home from Afghanistan in… Read more.
Now London is burning…
What happened here on Thursday night raised huge questions and we need answers. The response to that is not to loot and rob. We have officers in hospital, some seriously injured. It’s a disgrace. This must stop. A community that was already hurting has now had its heart ripped out. The post office, shops, newsagents,… Read more.
S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating
Despite threats by the major credit rating agencies to downgrade America’s AAA credit rating, chances are now slim to none that they will actually do so. This reflects one of the ironic (or oxymoronic) perks of being both the richest and most-indebted nation in the history of mankind: i.e., rating agencies have to think twice… Read more.
‘Calgon, take me away’
After reading and writing about so many stress-inducing stories lately, I felt like that stressed-out woman in the 1970s TV commercial who exclaims “Calgon, take me away!” before finding relief in her bathtub. Therefore, imagine my smile, and the vicarious relief I felt, when I came across this picture yesterday of a giant woman taking… Read more.
‘The Whistleblower’
I am not a movie critic, and I’m not playing one here. But for only the second time since I began this weblog over six years ago I would like to recommend a movie: it’s called The Whistleblower. I’m recommending it for three reasons: First, and foremost, because it is based on actual events, which… Read more.