No storyline in the soap opera ‘As the Yankees Turn’ provides more yearly fascination than watching Steinbrenner spend obscene amounts of money to lure the best players to New York only to have them play – during the critical October pennant race and World Series – as if they were bought with phony dollar bills (and… Read more.
Archives for 2009
Manufacturing consequences for Obama in off-year elections
President Barack Obama’s political clout was on the line Tuesday as Virginia and New Jersey chose governors in contests that could serve as warning signs for Democrats about the public’s mood heading into an important mid-term election year. (LIZ SIDOTI, AP National Political Writer) This quote reflects the dire warning that political pundits of every stripe… Read more.
Picture of heralded US recovery is worth a thousand words…
Catholics launch crusade to convert Anglicans
The crusade the Catholic Church launched recently to convert disaffected Anglicans should disabuse anyone of any doubt that the mission of organized religion is more about amassing power than saving souls. Why else would Benedict XVI, the most conservative and doctrinaire pope in modern times, implement liberal reforms just to make it easier to increase… Read more.
Obama Saluting War Dead Will Be Defining Image of His Presidency…
In continuing the 18-year ban on media coverage of US troops returning home in body bags, President Bush insisted that he was doing so out of respect for the troops and regard for their families. But everybody knew that he was doing so because he feared that broadcasting this deadly cost would have a demoralizing… Read more.
‘This Is It’ reinforces my conflicted feelings about MJ
My previous commentaries on Michael Jackson make it clear that I harbor very conflicted feelings about him. For, on the one hand, I’m his biggest fan: Paying tribute to Michael Jackson as the King of Pop is rather like paying tribute to Joseph Ratzinger as the Pope. For, where his musical genius was concerned, Michael was not… Read more.
Xenophobia guiding Australia’s immigration policy
Australia is roughly the same size as the contiguous Unites States. But it has a population of only 22 million people; the US has 307 million. Therefore, you’d think Australia would be solicitous about attracting new immigrants to its shores. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. For the record, over 1 million people… Read more.
Obama finally admits women to his all-boys club
Who would’ve thought that President Obama, the first black president of the United States, would be liable to criticism for fostering extracurricular activities that exclude women. Yet, ironically, that is precisely the case. This criticism reached a tipping point last week when he invited only male members of his Cabinet and Congress to the White… Read more.
Yankees on the precipice of redemption…
Last night, in the house that Jeter built, the New York Yankees won a long-awaited berth into the World Series by defeating the Los Angeles Angels 5-2 to win the American League Championship Series, four games to two. Of course, any team would be happy to brag about winning 40 league pennants and 26 World Series championships – as the… Read more.
Obama stokes swine flu hysteria by declaring ‘national health emergency’
Government officials and news reporters are doing more to cause a panic than this virus will do to cause a pandemic… [F]ar too few government officials and reporters are bothering to assure the public that this outbreak is no more deadly than the garden variety flu that kills over 36,000 Americans every year. And, even though it’s a new… Read more.