I wrote on Tuesday that Eliot Spitzer should resign. Therefore, I’m relieved that rumors of his resignation were not as “greatly exaggerated” as I thought. Evidently, after counting votes made it painfully clear that he would not survive an impeachment trial, he was forced to resign yesterday just 18 months into his 4-year tenure: To… Read more.
Archives for 2008
Hillary’s supporters playing the race card…again
Yesterday, Barack Obama cruised to a 61% to 37% win over Hillary Clinton in the Mississippi primary. And, coupled with his win in Wyoming on Saturday, this effectively re-establishes him as the candidate not only with an insurmountable lead in delegates but also with the momentum in the race towards the Democratic nomination. However, Hillary’s… Read more.
The hypocrisy of Eliot “Ness” Spitzer’s assignations with prostitute
[A]s governor, I have tried to uphold a vision of progressive politics that would rebuild New York and create opportunity for all. We sought to bring real change to New York and that will continue. Today I want to briefly address a private matter. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to… Read more.
Harvard’s fair, even if politically correct, “women-only” policy
I suspect I was among very few “liberals” who condemned Harvard University for firing Larry Summers, its intellectually honest but politically incorrect president, in February 2006. Perhaps you recall that (at an academic symposium) Summers had the effrontery to hypothesize that the presence of so few women in science and engineering is due to biological… Read more.
Despite Hillary’s elbows in his side, Obama’s still ahead, and he will win this race!
Whining about one of Barack Obama’s loose-lipped aides calling her a “monster”, and screaming gotcha after another one suggested that he really doesn’t mean anything he says, were just a couple of the banana peels Hillary Clinton threw in Obama’s path last week to trip him up. Yet he actually extended his lead over her… Read more.
Open Letter to: The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, UK Prime Minister
Government should be open and accountable. (Gordon Brown) Dear Prime Minister Re: Inquiry into good governance in the Turks and Caicos Islands On behalf of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), I commend your government for conducting such a thorough inquiry into good governance in our UK Overseas Territory. Of course, I… Read more.
Hillary’s “big-state” (superdelegate) endgame
It’s just another indication of the Clintons’ venality that they are banking on superdelegates overturning the “will of the people” (i.e., only if Hillary ends up with fewer pledged delegates than Obama). [Obama extends primary sweep(stakes)…The iPINIONS Journal, February 13, 2008] Many of you would probably be pleasantly surprised to learn that despite Hillary Clinton’s… Read more.
The winner of Super Tuesday Part II: Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!
I gather that many of you would like to know my predictions, here they are: Hillary will win Ohio, Texas, and RI, and Obama will win Vermont. Therefore, the race will go on…to Pennsylvania (on April 22). Still, Obama will win the nomination, and he will be elected the next president of the United States!… Read more.
Super Tuesday Part II
Today, the 2008 race to the White House features primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island (RI), Texas, and Vermont. But, notwithstanding all the hype about this being “make or break Tuesday, Do or Die day, or Hillary’s last stand,” here’s all you need to know – about the Democratic race: As things stand, according to the… Read more.
Putin’s puppet, Medvedev, wins Russia’s presidential election in landslide…duh!
Two weeks ago, I wrote that the Cuban presidential election in which Raul Castro succeeded his brother Fidel was “as predictable and seamless as the night follows the day.” Well, yesterday’s Russian presidential election in which Dmitry Medvedev succeeded Vladimir Putin was every bit as predictable and seamless. Moreover, just as I deemed news of… Read more.