On January 30, before the jury in the tax evasion trial of actor Wesley Snipes began deliberating his fate, I published an article titled Actor Wesley Snipes takes on the IRS in the dumbest role of his life. And here, in part, is what I wrote: His conviction, which I expect the jury to announce… Read more.
Archives for 2008
May Day, May Day! March today in support of (illegal) immigrants rights!
Over two years ago (on 10 April 2006 to be precise), I published an article exhorting all people of political conscience, especially black Americans, to take time off from work to join a national day of marches in support of (illegal) immigrants rights. Unfortunately, the issues that compelled my exhortation then remain so unresolved that… Read more.
My last word on this Rev. Wright media farce
In the opening sentence of the article I published just yesterday, I dismissed the media’s obsession with Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a distraction from the gravest issue in this year’s presidential election: the (now virtually ignored) war in Iraq. Yet, within hours of publishing it, my candidate, Barack Obama, played into this obsession by holding… Read more.
33 years ago today, the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam
Notwithstanding the media’s obsession with Reverend Jeremiah Wright or warranted concerns about rising gasoline prices, the gravest issue in this year’s presidential election is the (now virtually ignored) war in Iraq. And since comparisons to America’s humiliating “cut and run” from Vietnam have become inescapable, I feel obliged to acknowledge this seminal day in the… Read more.
Defending First Lady LisaRaye McCoy of the Turks and Caicos Islands
But first, a little context seems in order. Last week, the premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), Michael Misick, launched an extraordinary attack against me in Parliament. He was reacting to what I wrote in my weekly column, which Caribbean Net News (CNN) publishes. He deemed I had committed the cardinal sin of criticizing him for bankrupting our country. Mind you, this… Read more.
McCain’s pipe dream: Hillary and Obama engage in mutually assured destruction (MAD), and he wins by default…
Meanwhile, here, in part, is what I wrote several months ago (on January 29) about how the Clintons’ race-baiting campaign tactics so outraged the Kennedys that they felt morally compelled to endorse Obama: It could only have reinforced Sen. Kennedy’s disgust when Bill Clinton insinuated that Jesse Jackson could have done just as well after… Read more.
Premier Michael Misick blames me for bankrupting the TCI?!
Republished from Caribbean Net News caribbeannetnews.comPublished on Friday, April 25, 2008 By Anthony Livingston Hall On Wednesday, in the midst of the most critical budget debate in the history of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), Premier Hon. Dr Michael Misick took to the floor of Parliament and accused me of plotting to ruin the… Read more.
Hillary wins Pennsylvania to remain a bona fide nuisance
For a variety of reason not worth mentioning, I thought Barack Obama would win yesterday’s Pennsylvania primary. In fact, here’s how I called it: It seems no one thinks Barack Obama has a prayer of winning today’s Pennsylvania primary. But I think he’s going to shock the world by upsetting Hillary Clinton (i.e., by ending… Read more.
Danica Patrick finally wins an Indycar race
I know many of you consider car racing a sport only simple-minded, beer-drinking, tobacco-chewing rednecks could enjoy. But this reflects your ignorance far more than it does any lack of sophistication among the fans of this sport. After all, IndyCar racing is a sport that requires the steady nerves of a surgeon, daring skills of… Read more.
Aimé Césaire, author and politician, is dead
Negro I am, Negro I Will Remain No doubt it seems a curious thing to say that Aimé Césaire’s death was untimely. After all, the man was 94. Yet it was. Because he died on the tiny French Caribbean island of Martinique last Thursday when virtually all media attention throughout the Americas was focused on… Read more.