Last January, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) explained that he was so disgusted with the way the Clintons were playing the race card that he felt morally obligated to endorse Barack Obama for president of the United States. This, in turn, inspired me to pose the following question: If Kennedy’s racial conscience has been so offended… Read more.
Archives for 2008
TCI government implements controversial fingerprinting policy
First they fingerprinted the Haitians,and you did not speak up because you were not a Haitian.Then they fingerprinted the Dominicans,and you did not speak up because you were not a Dominican.Then they fingerprinted the Filipinos,and you did not speak up because you were not a Filipino.Then they fingerprinted you,and there was no one left to… Read more.
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day Read more.
This week, Putin sealed his intent to rule Russia for life!
Related Articles:Putin’s puppet wins presidential election… Russia Putin Medvedev Read more.
Update: The Fat Lady is Singing but Hillary’s Ears seem Clogged with Wax …
Even if Hillary were to win all of the remaining primaries and caucuses in equally impressive fashion, she still would not make much of a dent in Obama’s lead amongst pledged delegates. This, no matter how the Democratic Party ultimately decides to include disqualified delegates from Florida and Michigan. [Hillary’s ‘big-state” (superdelegate) endgame, The iPINIONS… Read more.
Israel celebrates 60 years of Independence…despite the (Arab) odds
Today Israelis “will attend picnics and barbecues, the traditional way of marking Independence Day.” And, considering that they’ve spent every day of their 60-year existence fretting about or fighting against the declared intent of Arab neighbors to “wipe Israel off the map,” this is certainly cause to celebrate. Accordingly, I wish Israelis a Happy Birthday… Read more.
Myanmar cyclone: 10,000 plus dead with tens of thousands still missing…
Reports are that 10,000 people were killed and millions more dislocated when Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar last week. And relief workers say tens of thousands remain unaccounted for (and are probably dead). Rather puts the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina in perspective, doesn’t it…? But since it’s not wise to question why, how or where Mother… Read more.
Sadly, the bell tolled for Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby
Last year, Barbaro was being hailed as the latest horse with a legitimate shot at winning the Triple Crown since Affirmed won it in 1978. And, after winning the Kentucky Derby by one of the largest margins in history, he had everyone in the world of horse racing salivating at the prospect. Therefore, I understood… Read more.
Labour’s love lost in UK mid-term elections
Last week, Britain’s ruling Labour Party suffered its worst defeat in local elections in 40 years. And to add insult to injury, the opposition Conservative Party also wrested control of the capital for the first time in 30 years when its candidate, Boris Johnson, upset Labour’s heavily favored incumbent Ken Livingston to become the next… Read more.
Americans complaining about the price of food is like the Saudis complaining about the price of oil…
News and Politics Read more.