Archives for October 2008
Okay … so two wrongs don’t make a right…
But neither does the pot calling the kettle black, which is what Republicans accusing Democrats of voter fraud is! Read more.
The McCain-Obama “debate” of ’08: final round
Despite all the media hype, presidential debates have very little bearing on how people vote on Election Day. Instead, they tend to merely reinforce voters’ pre-existing feelings about the candidates. This means that who won the debate is invariably in the eye of the beholder. [The McCain-Obama “debate” of 08: round I, The iPINIONS Journal, September 28,… Read more.
Children of Martin Luther King Jr continue family feud over his legacy
King’s legacy has not been enhanced by the squabbling amongst his four children – pitting two of them who regard it as their inheritance to use for their personal benefit against the other two who regard it as a public trust for them to manage as zealous trustees. [Children of Martin Luther King fighting over his estate,… Read more.
Global plan to nationalize banks leads to historic gains in markets worldwide
Frankly, if nothing else, this latest bailout should finally destroy the myth that the US is running a capitalist, free market economy. After all, this (and the other government bailouts cited above, which effectively privatized shareholder gains and nationalized losses), coupled with longstanding corporate subsidies, is indistinguishable from the way China runs its socialist, centrally planned economy. [Chickens come… Read more.
The great recession of 2008: commiseration … then depression
AFRICOM: no good Bush deed goes unpunished
During the presidential debate on Tuesday night, Barack Obama won praise from the worldwide liberal establishment when he said that the US has a moral obligation to use military force for humanitarian purposes. He stressed, however, that just as the US must eschew unilateral action in favor of multilateral action in fighting the war on… Read more.
The McCain-Obama “debate” of ’08: round II
Despite all the media hype, presidential debates have very little bearing on how people vote on Election Day. Instead, they tend to merely reinforce voters’ pre-existing feelings about the candidates. This means that who won the debate is invariably in the eye of the beholder. [The McCain-Obama “debate” of 08: round I, The iPINIONS Journal, September 28,… Read more.
Despite “rescue plan,” markets plunge worldwide
Like John McCain, I’m on record admitting that I have no clue what the remedy is for curing what ails Wall Street and for preventing its contagion from infecting markets all over the world. Unfortunately, everybody else seems equally clueless. Because experts assured us that markets would react favorably if the US Congress passed the $700 billion bailout plan. Yet, even though Congress… Read more.
Despite (or because of) her debate performance, Sarah Palin is still a national joke
Truth be told, I really thought Palin showed enough style and self-confidence during her debate with Joe Biden on Thursday that Saturday Night Live would’ve been loath to continue making fun of her. But there was Tina Fey on Saturday night doing her parody of Palin’s folksy style and manufactured self-confidence in a way that ridiculed… Read more.