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Archives for January 2008
Ethnic Tensions Threatening Rwandan Genocide in Kenya
Almost three years ago, I wrote a commentary in which I lamented that “genocide is taking place in the DR Congo … on a scale that threatens to surpass the horrors of Rwanda”. I also urged President Bush to do all in his power to end this genocide because: We do not need another American… Read more.
Hey ALH, what about the Republicans?!
Since the Iowa Caucuses, I have received e-mails from a surprising number of you complaining about my ignoring the heated race for the Republican nomination. But even though I appreciate your complaints, I find them baffling. After all, I’ve been quite unabashed in declaring that, even though far too little distinguishes the two political parties,… Read more.
Obama-Day Tuesday: BET founder executes black-on-black hit for Hillary
Almost two years ago, I wrote a commentary in which I condemned Hillary Clinton for going into a black church in Harlem and faking a Southern-chitlin’ accent as she wailed to an Amen-crowd of blacks about how Republicans in Congress were treating her like a black slave.In fact, I was so incensed by her unconscionable… Read more.
To all of my Eastern Orthodox friends: Happy New Year!
Eastern Orthodox Read more.
Candidates for British prime minister show they too can play Hillary’s crying game
Hillary’s woe is me – “this is really tough…sniff, sniff” – campaign performance may have won her New Hampshire. But I have far too much respect for the intelligence of most American women to believe that playing on their emotions will take her all the way (back) to the White House. Related Articles: Hillary cries… Read more.
President Bush’s “peace in [his] time” pipe dream
It is generally accepted that US presidential candidates make promises they know they cannot keep. But it smacks of unconscionable and irresponsible pandering for a US president to do so. Yet that is precisely what President George W. Bush did yesterday when he promised to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians: I believe there’s… Read more.
Lynch Tiger Woods? When a racist comment is not racist at all
The wide world of sports is buzzing today about an allegedly racist exchange between Kelly Tilghman and Nick Faldo, commentators on the Golf Channel. Now, once you get over the shock that there is actually a channel dedicated to golf, you might think this is rather like getting worked up over a racist exchange between… Read more.
Hillary wins New Hampshire! Defies pundits…but not her ill-fated destiny
After Barack Obama’s stunning upset of Hillary Clinton in Thursday’s Iowa Caucus, almost every political pundit in America began heralding him as the second coming of a Kennedy (alluding giddily between JFK and RFK), and dismissing Hillary as the second coming of Edmund Muskie (the presumptive Democratic nominee in 1972 who ended up folding like… Read more.
Update on circumcision and HIV/AIDS
Regular readers of this weblog are no doubt aware of my championing the study by African scientists, which found that: . . . if male circumcision were more widely available, millions of lives, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa would be saved. WHO and UNAIDS said access to the procedure should be urgently scaled up in areas… Read more.