The US military: from desegregation to whitewashing The Pentagon’s so-called DEI purge isn’t just an attack on diversity. Above all, it’s a historic rollback of racial progress in an institution that once led the desegregation of America. Recall that the Pentagon integrated the military pursuant to an executive order President Truman signed on July 26,… Read more.
Silicon Valley: From Innovation Hub to MAGA Club
America, Resist Trump’s Putinization
Last July, Trump raised a white-power fist and shouted Fight, Fight, Fight as Secret Service agents shielded him from an assassin’s bullets. That image became iconic, instantly. On Tuesday, Rep. Al Green raised his black cane in defiance as Trump delivered his address to Congress. That image should’ve been iconic, instantly, too. Mark my words:… Read more.
Serbian Parliament Goes Up in Smoke — But There’s No Fire There
Serbian parliament goes up in smoke Earlier this week, Serbian opposition MPs detonated smoke bombs, hurled eggs, and sprayed fire extinguishers in parliament. It looked like a heavy metal concert gone off the rails. Their combustible display left at least three injured. One lawmaker even suffered a stroke and remains in critical condition. Serbian President… Read more.
Trump Addresses Nation He’s Made More Divided and Hated Than Ever
President Trump didn’t say anything in his Congressional address last night that he hasn’t said a thousand times. He repeated the same pathological lies and gaslighting tropes, bragging that America is stronger and more respected than ever. In fact, America hasn’t been this divided at home since the Civil War. And it hasn’t been this… Read more.
Buyers’ Remorse: Musk’s MAGA Politics Has Tesla Sales Plummeting
Teslas now look more fascist and futuristic Two years ago, Jennifer Trebb thought driving a Tesla meant embracing the future. Now, she’s ditching her Model Y. She’s fed up with Elon Musk’s full-throttle dive into MAGA politics — Nazi salute included — and the megalomaniacal way his DOGE gang is reshaping the US government. She’s… Read more.
Adrian Brody or Ralph Fiennes Are the Only Reasons to Watch the Oscars
Producers hail the Academy Awards as the grand finale of Hollywood’s serial awards season. By the time this final show rolls around, however, the winners are all too predictable. In fact, the only real suspense often lies in who’ll be wearing what on the Red Carpet. But I have no interest in watching pampered celebrities… Read more.
Why Companies Like Target No Longer Fear Boycotts
But you don’t have to have to join protest marches or attend town halls. We shall overcome by each of us doing what little we can to ensure that the less diverse MAGA-pandering companies become, the less diverse their customers become, too… Read more.
Trump Ambushes Zelensky While Abandoning US Leadership of Free World
The way Trump ambushed Zelensky in the White House today was shocking. But no regular reader of this blog should’ve been surprised. Trump was motivated by his “Russia, Russia, Russia” petty grievance. That was embarrassingly obvious. Moreover, his ambush was clearly intended to humiliate the incorruptible Zelensky as a prelude to withdrawing US support so… Read more.
Trump Sees Sex Trafficking Tate Brothers as Loyal Fellow Travelers
Trump’s America, now a haven for sex traffickers, too The Trump administration intervened to secure the release of Andrew and Tristan Tate from Romania. It’s the most scandalous showing yet of the American transformation afoot: Once a beacon of democracy on a hill, it is now a nation wallowing in grift. The Tate brothers are… Read more.